Worst Case Numbers:

If the Army and Marine Corps expansion creates mostly new combat brigades, the Air Force will need about 35 more strategic airlifters and 1,000 battlefield airmen to go with them, Chief of Staff Gen. Michael Moseley said yesterday. Meeting with...

State of Play:

Will the Air Force become executive agent for unmanned aerial vehicles and, as some lawmakers would have it, sole proprietor of fixed-wing aircraft? Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Michael Moseley says he’s “happy to let [the discussion] play out”...

Six-Month Bombers:

The Air Force has upped the bomber deployments to the US Central Command area of operations to six-month tours, Gen. Michael Moseley told Pentagon reporters yesterday. The new timeframe works better for bombers than the 120-day rotations being used for...

Off–Road Vehicles:

To reduce the exposure of ground troops in Iraq, the Air Force has been flying more and more people and gear that otherwise would travel by truck convoy. Gen. Michael Moseley, Air Force Chief of Staff, told Pentagon reporters yesterday...

CIA Director Favors Air Force ISR Makeover:

Air Force Gen. Michael Hayden, the head of the Central Intelligence Agency, told a Washington seminar yesterday that he supports the plan to reorganize the Air Force’s intelligence-surveillance-reconnaissance apparatus. The long-time intelligence officer said, “We tucked intel under XO,” where...

Strengthening Creation Function:

CIA director Gen. Michael Hayden says that Air Force intelligence personnel fall into the categories of those who create intelligence and those who apply intelligence. Responding to questions during a Tuesday seminar in Washington, D.C., Hayden said the last 10...

“Easy to Finish, but Hard to Find”:

The war on terror is just the opposite of the Cold War, because in the Cold War the enemy was “easy to find, but hard to finish,” while the new enemy—terrorists—are “easy to finish, but hard to find,” according to...

Miles and Miles:

Air Mobility Command has just celebrated transporting home from Southwest Asia the 500,000th passenger for rest and recuperation leave since AMC began the R and R flights in 2003. TSgt. John Jung reports that AMC officials greeted the half-millionth troop...

Action at Andersen:

Air Force officials at Andersen AFB, Guam, reopened the base’s north runway June 18 after a two-year, $24 million reconstruction effort. The north runway is one of two parallel runways on the key Pacific region base. Airfield manager SMSgt. Darron...

Cadets Deploy to SWA:

The Air Force Academy has sent 18 cadets to Southwest Asia over the summer as part of Operation Air Force. SrA. Clark Staehle reports that the 18, who will be seniors at the academy in Colorado Springs, Colo., in the...

Air Sorties in the Global War on Terrorism

June 17, 2007 Sortie Type OIF OEF OIF/OEF Total ISR 16 12 28 CAS/Armed Recon 66 59 125 Airlift 151 151 Air refueling 57 57 Total 82 71 208 361 OIF=Operation Iraqi Freedom OEF=Operation Enduring Freedom ISR=Intelligence-surveillance-reconnaissance Airlift includes Horn...