Air & Space Forces Magazine

Air & Space Forces Magazine

In This Issue

Air & Space Forces Magazine July/August 2024 issue.

Air Superiority and Russia’s War on Ukraine

Currently, neither Russia nor Ukraine is using combat aircraft to conduct deep strikes, relying instead on missiles and drones. The lethal air defenses on both sides have resulted in a state of air parity, in which neither force has control of the air.

Q&A: Creating Dilemmas

Airpower is a desired capability that everybody wants. Because it’s asymmetric, with a little bit of airpower, you can create a lot of effects.

Space Order of Battle: Beyond Domain Awareness

Today threats in space are significant. Increasingly, U.S. space capabilities are contested, as Russia and China pursue threatening capabilities to challenge what was once U.S. dominance and have become near parity.

Around the World in 45 Hours

Project Magellan is the latest maximum endurance operation (MEO), the term for long-haul missions, meant to test Airmen as transport and tanker crews under Air Mobility Command. 

Editorial: An Unfulfilled Offset Strategy

In the absence of a rival superpower in the 1990s, and with the miscalculations of the post-9/11 counterinsurgency campaigns, the successive administrations, the Pentagon, and Congress managed to squander America’s technological edge.