The Pentagon has vaccinated 459,921 service members, 123,550 of whom are in the Department of the Air Force, according to new data the Defense Department is providing to the public starting April 21. As the COVID-19 vaccination effort increases, the Pentagon created a new website ...
The Air Force is relying on testing early and often to curb the new coronavirus's spread at Basic Military Training, even as the majority of recruits who test positive are asymptomatic. About 200 Airmen in BMT have tested positive for the coronavirus in the past ...
The Air Force this month saw its highest one-week spike of coronavirus cases since the pandemic began, with more than 1,000 new cases reported among uniformed military, civilian, dependents, and contractors from June 29 to July 6. As of July 6, there were 3,325 total ...
The Pentagon is giving the green light for personnel movement to more states and countries amid the COVID-19 pandemic, though some installations are retightening restrictions as cases increase in specific areas. The Defense Department on June 29 updated its list of “green locations,” where personnel ...
As states across the country roll back reopening plans, some USAF bases are tightening their own restrictions following a surge in COVID-19 cases. As of June 26, there are 1,128 total cases of COVID-19 in the Air Force, with 10,606 across all services including contractors, ...
The Pentagon will start reopening on June 15, after months of restricting access due to the coronavirus pandemic. The Defense Department announced June 11 that slightly more workers will be allowed into the building, and the building will open more of its entrances. DOD plans ...
Military commanders may begin lowering health protection conditions and returning to more regular operations if their location meets certain criteria, like a two-week downturn in the number of coronavirus cases, Defense Secretary Mark Esper said in May 20 guidance to the armed forces. Most U.S. ...
Current predictions show a COVID-19 vaccine is still 18 months away, so the Air Force must find ways to survive and operate in a world where the virus keeps coming back, Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein wrote in an April 28 letter to commanders. ...
The Air Force Reserve’s 514th Flight Test Squadron has created a “taxi service” aimed at delivering aircraft to and from the Ogden Air Logistics Complex, Utah, without exposing aircrews to the new coronavirus. When an aircraft is maintained or modified at Ogden, a pilot from ...
The Defense Department’s coronavirus response is giving the fledgling Space Force a chance to show its skills and shaping how Airmen manage military satellite communications along the way. Defense Secretary Mark Esper said March 17 the Pentagon had given the Navy orders to start preparing ...
Air Force Surgeon General Lt. Gen. Dorothy Hogg took time out from leading the Air Force’s medical response to the COVID-19 pandemic to speak with Air Force Magazine about supply shortages, hotspots, and future changes that could be wrought by lessons from this experience.
The Pentagon is adjusting its COVID-19 testing policy, with a new emphasis on screening service members in its highest priority missions in addition to diagnosing troops who are already sick. As the new coronavirus outbreak spread, the Defense Department used its limited testing resources to ...