Seven Space Force hopefuls will ship out this week to the service’s inaugural boot camp at Joint Base San Antonio, Texas. The Space Force is piggybacking on the Air Force’s long-standing Basic Military Training process while it grows its own. Those who graduate from the ...
A tent city erected at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas, on April 28 not only gave Air Education and Training Command “swing space” to ensure its Basic Military Training recruits and tech school students heeded COVID-19-era social distancing mandates, but it also gave the command ...
Keesler Air Force Base, Miss., will welcome its final Basic Military Training flight of 2020 in the last week of September, with graduation slated for before Thanksgiving, 2nd Air Force Commander Maj. Gen. Andrea D. Tullos told reporters on Sept. 21. “We'll then take about ...
Airmen, from basic military training to graduate studies at Air University, need to increase their study and understanding of potential adversaries, such as China and Russia, to better understand the Air Force’s place in the world and the risk of potential conflicts, the service’s senior ...
With its first birthday a few months away, the Space Force is preparing to unveil a slew of personnel, policy, and culture decisions that will set it apart from the other armed forces. The service plans to announce by its one-year anniversary on Dec. 20 ...
Members of the newly created military service focused on war fighting in space will officially wear a camouflage pattern developed for war in Afghanistan. The Department of the Air Force on Aug. 24 released a memorandum stating that the Operational Camouflage Pattern is mandatory for ...
Keesler Air Force Base, Miss., moved C-130J transports and WC-130 hurricane hunters to other bases ahead of a double tropical storm bearing down on the Gulf Coast, but Barksdale Air Force Base, La., home of Global Strike Command and half of USAF's B-52 bombers, plans ...
The Air Force is relying on testing early and often to curb the new coronavirus's spread at Basic Military Training, even as the majority of recruits who test positive are asymptomatic. About 200 Airmen in BMT have tested positive for the coronavirus in the past ...
Ten Airmen recently became the first to graduate Basic Military Training after English learning through an Air Force program. The Airmen were in the Defense Language Institute English Language Center’s ECHO Flight program beta test, a replica of an Army program that provides language training ...
The Air Force will host Basic Military Training at two locations—Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas, and Keesler Air Force Base, Miss.—starting June 2 and lasting until COVID-19 surge operations wrap up, Air Education and Training Command announced May 26. However, the service doesn't intend to ...
Nearly 60 Airmen from 37th Training Wing Detachment 5 graduated from Basic Military Training at Keesler Air Force Base, Miss., on May 15, according to an 81st Training Wing release. The graduation marked the end of a six-week proof of concept that looked to show ...
One Airman’s grassroots initiative to lift up Air Force basic trainees during an unprecedented moment in history has grown into a global movement. Airman 1st Class Cailey Brislin, who works in the 434th Squadron Aviation Resource Management at Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas, was inspired ...