Germany Reconsidering SIGINT Global Hawk

Germany is considering reviving the RQ-4E Euro Hawk signals intelligence remotely piloted aircraft, which was canceled last year, IHS Jane’s reported. The Luftwaffe identified airborne SIGINT as a critical capability in light of current security needs and is considering options for integrating Euro Hawk’s sensor suite on one of several manned or unmanned platforms, according to Jane’s. “The only sensible unmanned aircraft would be a Global Hawk derivative, but now we are looking at business type aircraft,” or a SIGINT platform currently employed by the US Air Force, German Col. Roland Runge, head of the Luftwaffe’s unmanned ISR branch, was quoted as saying. “Euro Hawk is not dead and this capability would be best placed on a Global Hawk derivative,” he added. The RQ-4E development airframe is currently in storage in Germany. Northrop Grumman is working with the German government to identify possible platform options, according to the report. NATO also is collaborating on a pooled fleet of RQ-4s under the Allied Ground Surveillance program.