air force mental health

Air Force to Announce Working Group to Study Resilience, Mental Health

The Air Force is set to announce a new team in the coming weeks to study barriers to resilience and mental health, Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force JoAnne S. Bass said. Speaking during a “Coffee Talk” event streamed on Facebook, Bass said the new group, called the Fortify the Force Initiative Team, or FIT, will fall under the Air Force’s Barrier Analysis Working Group. FIT will be officially unveiled early this year, “probably within the next few weeks,” Bass added. 
Cooley court-martial

Court-Martial of Air Force 2-Star General Postponed Amid COVID Concerns

The court-martial of Maj. Gen. William T. Cooley Jr., former head of the Air Force Research Laboratory, is postponed until April 18 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which is surging across the country. The trial was slated to begin Monday, Jan. 10, at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. Cooley faces a single count of abusive sexual contact, with three specifications, under Article 120 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice for an Aug. 12, 2018, off-duty incident in Albuquerque, N.M., in which he allegedly made unwanted sexual advances toward a civilian.
space research

The New $1M-a-Year Research Grants AFRL Hopes Will Speed Up Space Tech

Proposals combining both basic and applied university research, with manufacturers looped in, could get technology to the Space Force faster. The theory is one that the Air Force Research Laboratory is testing in the pilot year of its Space University Research Initiative. The lab’s leaders hope the SURI pilot program will also help it modernize how it manages space-related science.
national defense strategy

Past DOD Leaders Say the Next National Defense Strategy Should Encourage Data, Tech Sharing

Former four-star generals and a Trump administration acquisitions chief said the next National Defense Strategy, expected this spring, must create a framework to break down barriers in data sharing and to enhance tech transfer with allies and partners to maximize America’s deterrence. Speaking in an Atlantic Council virtual discussion Jan. 5, former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff retired Marine Corps Gen. James E. Cartwright; former head of the CIA and U.S. Central Command retired Army Gen. David Petraeus; and former Pentagon acquisitions chief Ellen Lord said talk is not enough to confront the complex set of security challenges posed by two nuclear-armed adversaries, Russia and China.

Radar Sweep

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The Military’s New Challenge: Defeating Cheap Hobbyist Drones

Wall Street Journal

Small, cheap drones are the most concerning new tactical threat to face the U.S. military since the rise of improvised explosive devices in Iraq some 15 years ago, according to the head of U.S. Central Command, Marine Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr. Emerging solutions resemble the stuff of science fiction, from laser zappers to microwave blasters.

New in 2022: Can the Air Force Find a Smarter Way to Deploy?

Defense News

Air Force deployments could soon begin to look a little different as the service transitions to a new schedule for training and dispatching forces around the world. Under the new plan, Airmen would spend a year on local and large-scale training before becoming available to head overseas. Deployments as part of Defense Secretary-directed operations, regular rotations through Air Force military hubs in other countries, or other ready-response forces would last another six months—like normal deployments now.

Military Families File Lawsuit Over Water Contamination in Hawaii

Residents of military housing on Oahu have filed a potential class-action lawsuit against their property management companies after fuel was found in their tap water, driving them from their homes. The lawsuit, filed Dec. 31 in Hawaii's First Circuit Court, alleges that the companies failed to honor their residential leases, guaranteeing their tenants potable water and habitable housing.

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U.S. Strengthens COVID-19 Infection Controls at Bases in Japan


U.S. military bases in Japan introduced stricter COVID-19 measures Jan. 6 after the government expressed grave concern about a surge of new infections and called for restrictions on the movement of U.S. personnel. Japan is facing what some are calling its sixth wave of coronavirus infections with cases in some places at their highest in months. One official has blamed U.S. military personnel for spreading the omicron variant.

The Latest on Missile Warning & Defense

Air Force Magazine

Recent Russian and Chinese missile launches raised the stakes in space. Find out the latest news on sensing, tracking, and defending against enemy missile strikes.

More People are Joining the Air Force in Their Late 30s

Air Force Times

Yoko Holdren wants to work. She tried to find jobs for more than a decade but seemingly hit a roadblock at every turn. First it was the frequent moves with her husband, Master Sgt. Donovan Holdren, and the cost of child care for their three kids. Then it was German employment and citizenship rules at Ramstein Air Base, where the family is stationed. Her green card neared expiration. And, just as she looked to get a job when her youngest son started school, the coronavirus pandemic hit. Holdren turned to the Air Force and enlisted two weeks before her 40th birthday.

PODCAST: Into the Wild Blue Yonder: Mitchell Institute Flightline (and Space Launch) Stories, Part 2

Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

In episode 57 of the Aerospace Advantage podcast, Mitchell Institute team members recount some of their most memorable experiences in the air and in space. ​​Normally, retired Gen. Kevin Chilton, retired Maj. Gen. Larry Stutzriem, and Mark Gunzinger talk policy and budget issues, but over the holiday season, they decided to reflect on some of their more memorable experiences, such as launching in the space shuttle, engaging Soviet fighters over the Pacific, and flying a bomber mission that lasted over 33 hours and nearly came apart in the final moments of the flight.

Air Force’s Small Telescope Tech Will Help Detect Enemy Satellites Sneaking Up on Friendly Ones

The Drive

Previously classified adaptive optics technologies enabled the Air Force Research Laboratory to capture an image of an asteroid’s moon using a telescope measuring just 1.5 meters across. The ability to detect and capture images of space-based objects without the need for massive telescopes could aid in the Pentagon’s efforts to track small, maneuverable satellites in close proximity to one another.

DSCA Names James Hursch as New Director

Breaking Defense

The Pentagon’s Defense Security Cooperation Agency, which oversaw more than half a trillion dollars in foreign military sales in fiscal 2021, has named James Hursch as its new director. The appointment of Hursch, who took office Jan. 2, continues a trend of appointing civilian DSCA directors rather than the general officers who typically led the agency in the past.

NGA Working With NRO to Target Satellite Imagery ‘Deep Fakes’

Breaking Defense

Improving cybersecurity—in particular, developing methods to weed out “deep fake” imagery and computer-manipulated data—will be one of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency’s top priorities for this year and next, Chief Information Officer Mark Andress said. Doing so, he elaborated, “is not just about ensuring that the data we obtain and deliver is secure from a cybersecurity perspective, but the integrity of the data in a world where the exploitation of imagery, the manipulation of imagery and deep fakes, computer-driven manipulation of data is huge. So we have an obligation to ensure that integrity.”

Working With China on Climate is ‘Most Important Element’ of the Decade, NSC Official Says

Defense One

The U.S.-China relationship will be overwhelmingly ruled by competition, but the two powers must cooperate in one area: fighting climate change, the National Security Council’s China expert said. Kurt Campbell, the NSC’s coordinator for Indo-Pacific affairs, said Jan. 6 that it’s critical for American officials to bring China in line with global efforts to cut emissions and end global warming.

One More Thing

Meet the Tech Visionary Who Started the Air Force, Built Phone Networks, and Invented Muzak


George Owen Squier, a slim, balding man in his late 50s with a reddish mustache, was not only the first officer in the U.S. Army with a doctoral degree but also a technology visionary who revolutionized telephone communication, helped build the nation’s first air force, and knew such pioneering figures as Alexander Graham Bell, who had been credited with inventing and patenting the first practical telephone; Guglielmo Marconi, the Italian inventor and electrical engineer who developed wireless telegraphy; and Orville and Wilbur Wright, the American aviation pioneers.