The New, Old Mission Structure

The Air Force is moving ahead with its plan to realign aircraft maintainers with the operations units they support, at least for the fighter and combat search and rescue forces. The moves will begin next summer and conclude by November...

The New Holloman

The outgoing commander of the 49th Fighter Wing at Holloman AFB, N.M. sees the home of the to-be-retired F-117 stealth fighter as a “showcase base for the Air Force by 2025,” reports the Alamogordo Daily News. That’s what Brig. Gen....

Can We Get 4?

There is now a joint resolution in the Senate, courtesy of Sen. Elizabeth Dole (R-N.C.), that recommends a minimum defense budget of not less than four percent of the Gross Domestic Product. In a statement, Dole quoted Adm. Mike Mullen,...

Working Toward a Laser Gunship

The Advanced Tactical Laser concept program has progressed, with the addition of a high-energy chemical laser to the C-130H demonstration aircraft, according to a Boeing release. The company, which received the C-130 two years ago to begin modifications and low-power...

Air Guard Does Very Well

According to the latest recruiting data released by the Pentagon, the Air National Guard achieved 133 percent of its goal for November, the highest of any component, active duty or reserve. All the services were able to at least match...

Action at Vandenberg

The 30th Space Wing at Vandenberg AFB, Calif., successfully launched a Delta II expendable launch vehicle, boosting a Thales Alenia-Space Cosmo-SkyMed 2 satellite into orbit on Dec. 10. It was the second SkyMed sat launched from Vandenberg this year. In...

No Let Up in ONE Flights

Air Forces Northern, headquartered at Tyndall AFB, Fla., has continued to conduct Operation Noble Eagle, despite the Air Force’s grounding of its F-15 A-D fleet. As we’ve reported earlier, units that fly other fighters are substituting for F-15 units normally...

Hobbins Retires After 38 Years

The former commander of US Air Forces in Europe, Gen. Tom Hobbins, had served in the Air Force for more than 38 years upon his ceremonial retirement on Dec. 10. Hobbins entered the service in 1969, taking an Officer Training...

Carlson Receives Sword

The enlisted airmen of Air Force Materiel Command have bestowed the Order of the Sword upon AFMC boss, Gen. Bruce Carlson. He received the high honor last week during a three-hour special ceremony, attended by nearly 350 airmen. CMSgt. Jonathan...

The Latest Stats from the Academies

According to the new DOD annual report to Congress on sexual harassment and sexual violence at the service academies, all three schools have “made great progress in establishing robust and effective prevention and response programs.” A survey released earlier this...

Air Sorties in the Global War on Terrorism

Dec. 9, 2007 Sortie Type OIF OEF OIF/OEF Total ISR 21 9 30 CAS/Armed Recon 50 44 94 Airlift 129 129 Air refueling 40 40 Total 71 53 169 293 OIF=Operation Iraqi Freedom OEF=Operation Enduring Freedom ISR=Intelligence-surveillance-reconnaissance Airlift includes Horn...