McNabb Confirmed for AMC:

The Senate in a flurry of business confirmed a fourth star for Lt. Gen. Duncan McNabb and his nomination to take command of Air Mobility Command. McNabb will take charge of AMC, headquartered at Scott, AFB, Ill., later this month....

It’s All in the Details:

There’s another not-quite-as-it-seemed story from the BRAC commission recommendation package—this time somewhat in favor of the Tennessee Air National Guard. The Air Force wanted to remove the eight C-130s of the 118th Airlift Wing at the Nashville airport and shift...

What About the Nashville Aeromed Folks?

What About the Nashville Aeromed Folks Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen, according to the City Paper, still has not had his day in court over the dissolution of the 118th Airlift Wing, which includes the movement of the unit’s aeromedical force...

Setting the Pace:

Setting a Speedy, Deliberate Pace: Marine Gen. Peter Pace, the new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, on Saturday, the day after taking his new position, penned the 16th Chairman’s Guidance to the Joint Staff paper titled “Shaping the...

Cannon Watch:

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson (D) said Monday that DOD has formed a team to explore the likelihood of bringing a new mission to Cannon Air Force Base to replace the F-16s it lost in the 2005 BRAC decisions. Richardson...

Wright-Patt Gets C-5:

The first of 11 C-5A Galaxies landed at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, Monday and took its place as part of Air Force Reserve Command’s 445th Airlift Wing, which is converting from the C-141. The airplane was made in 1970, Col. Jim...

It Would Play Better in Peoria:

A brief from the Center for Security Policy would change the name “Global War on Terror” to the “War for the Free World.” Why, you ask? Because the war is not going well at the moment, the Washington think tank...

Common ISR System Gets Boost:

Air Combat Command’s Distributed Common Ground System received a key software element, known as the Common Imagery Exploitation Segment, Tuesday when Lockheed Martin installed the interim upgrade at the two DCGS operational units. The software update to CIES allows Air...

Bronze Star for a Chaplain’s Assistant—55 Years Later:

The Air Force recognized the service of SSgt. Merle Y. Strang, a chaplain’s assistant assigned in 1950 to 5th Air Force in South Korea, by awarding a Bronze Star posthumously to his brother Homer Strang in Brewer, Maine. Sergeant Strang...

Cadet Researchers in for the Long Haul:

Cadets at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs are working to produce a stealthy unmanned aerial vehicle that is powered by an alternative energy source. The academy launched the project, in which cadets study fuel cells and hydrogen storage...

The Watch Has Changed:

Vice President Dick Cheney, who was on the road Monday speaking to marines at Camp Lejune, N.C., slammed US leaders over the past 22 years for weak responses to terrorist attacks across the globe. Listing several terror attacks from the...

Too Much Butter on the Guns:

Too Much Butter on the Guns?: The Wall Street Journal’s Brendan Miniter has a novel approach to building a better military—cut the budget on weapons programs. Miniter argues that expensive weapons systems are often more expensive and not nearly as...

Pak It Up:

Arch rivals India and Pakistan—both with nuclear weapons—signed a pair of security agreements in Islamabad, Pakistan, on Monday, ostensibly to give each other notice of ballistic missile tests and build links between the countries’ maritime agencies to help with enforcing...

DARPA Opens $2 Mil Challenge:

$2 Mil Inspires Desert Rats: Out in Fontana, Calif., the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency’s “Grand Challenge” robotic ground vehicle competition is rolling into its semifinals. The prize is $2 million. Teams from across the country will be competing in...

Get a Bunch of CEs Together And Look What Happens:

Fifteen civil engineers deployed to the 407th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron, Ali Base, Iraq, came together for “a little powwow” and presto in about 100 manhours, said MSgt. John Gaskill, noncommissioned officer in charge of the 407th ECES electrical systems...

How To Keep the Cyberworld Secure:

That will be the focus of a confab of 150 information security experts and government officials from the US and Europe—West and East—in Garmisch, Germany, later this month. This conference builds on one held last year that centered on political-military...

Cost-Cutting Targets Schools:

Cost-cutting is the order of the day in the halls of Congress, and lawmakers are coming up with new and inventive ways to find money for hurricane relief efforts. One of the ideas was the Republican Study Committees’ proposed closing...

Wedge Work at Pentagon Stays on Track:

Pentagon officials say the work on the second wedge of the five-sided building will be done by the end of November, keeping the entire renovation project “on schedule and slightly under budget.” Renovation of Wedge 3 has started, which means...

Air Sorties in the Global War on Terrorism

October 3, 2005 Sortie Type OIF OEF OIF/OEF Total ISR 10 5 – 15 CAS/Armed Recon 40 20 – 60 Airlift – – 180 180 Air refueling – – 35 35 Total 50 25 215 290 OIF=Operation Iraqi Freedom OEF=Operation...