In its latest round of recommendations to Congress formalized July 21, the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence suggests ways to get high-tech employees trained and then locked into federal service commitments—ideas modeled after the military service academies and ROTC programs. The NSCAI proposes a ...
An undisclosed number of Air Force Academy cadets who went back to campus over the summer—including some from the class of 2024—have tested positive for the new coronavirus, the school confirmed to Air Force Magazine on July 8. If any cadets test positive for or ...
President Donald J. Trump has nominated Lt. Gen. Richard M. Clark to be the next U.S. Air Force Academy superintendent. If confirmed, Clark will replace Lt. Gen. Jay B. Silveria, who graduated from the Academy in 1985 and has led the school since August 2017. ...
An open letter to Air Force Academy alumni and parents from the Cadet Wing Commander, Cadet First Class Haeley Deeney, takes critics to task for "negative or otherwise harmful posts and comments" in the wake of two suspected suicides at the Colorado Springs campus and ...
The Air Force will graduate the U.S. Air Force Academy class of 2020 on April 18, more than a month ahead of schedule, and loosen restrictions on the senior class, which has been on virtual lockdown because of the Covid-19 pandemic. “When the class of ...
Two cadets have been found dead within three days at the U.S. Air Force Academy. Air Force officials say both were cadets first-class, and their deaths were not related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The first cadet was found dead on campus on March 26 ...