Second LRIP KC-46 Completes First Flight

The second low-rate initial production KC-46A tanker aircraft completed its first flight on April 29, announced Boeing. The aircraft—the sixth to be introduced to the KC-46 tanker test program—will be used to ensure the next-generation refueler is able to operate through electromagnetic fields produced by radars, radio towers, and other systems, according to the release. “This first flight is another important step for the KC-46 program toward verifying the aircraft’s operational capabilities,” said Col. John Newberry, Air Force KC-46 system program manager. “Adding this aircraft brings key capabilities to the test fleet and helps move us closer to delivering operational aircraft to the warfighter.” KC-46 test aircraft have completed 1,600 flights hours and refueled F-16, F/A-18, AV-8B, C-17, A-10, and KC-10 aircraft.