Pratt says F-135 Excels in STOVL Qualification Test

Pratt & Whitney has announced that its F135 propulsion system has successfully completed an exceedingly demanding thermal test that is part of its qualification process for powering the F-35 strike fighter’s short takeoff/vertical landing variant. The test, which took place at the Arnold Engineering Development Center in Tennessee, intentionally exposed the engine to turbine temperatures beyond those that it would ever experience during normal operations, according to Pratt. “This is without a doubt one of the most demanding tests for an F-35 engine and the F135 passed the test with flying colors.” said Tyler Evans, Pratt’s F135 engine programs director. The engine also demonstrated 28 percent more thrust than its specification requirement, stated the company. Evans said the engine is in excellent condition and will now complete STOVL powered-lift performance qualification testing in West Palm Beach, Fla.