As we reported in Friday’s Daily Report Online, the full House voted to keep $485 million in funding for the General Electric-Rolls Royce F136 engine, as lawmakers late Thursday defeated by 231 to 193 an amendment that would have stripped the money to sustain the F-35 competitive engine program from the House version of 2011 defense authorization bill. However, in its markup of the bill last week, the Senate Armed Services Committee did not include F136 funding. Lawmakers will decide the fate of the F136 in conference. Defense Secretary Robert Gates remains adamant that continuing only with the Pratt & Whitney F135 engine is the least costly approach and will urge President Obama to veto the defense bill if it includes the F136. (Senate Armed Services Committee markup summary) (Also see Still Swinging, above)
The credibility of America’s deterrent is waning, and the way to get it back is by restructuring defense leadership and raising the defense budget almost 100 percent, according to a new paper from the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies.