Editor’s Note

The Daily Report is happy to introduce Air Frame. It’s a new photo feature allowing readers—both PC and Mac users—to download a free 1024-pixel by 768-pixel wallpaper-sized version of majestic and awe-inspiring images highlighting airmen, the work they do, and the machines they operate. Just click on the picture and follow the instructions. Air Frame will run periodically. We’ve also moved the In More Depth section and Data Points section to the top of our website’s left-hand column. The IMD articles—of greater length and scope than our normal Daily Report entries—now stand out more when first visiting the website, as do the Data Points charts. We’ve also changed the name of the former Verbatim entries on the right-hand side of the website to On the Record entries. That change removes confusion between them and the Verbatim page that runs in the Air Force Magazine print edition and also is posted at the website.