Pentagon Unveils Missile Defense Review, Urging Investment in New Systems

The Defense Department on Thursday released its long-awaited Missile Defense Review, an 81-page policy statement that stopped short of announcing new programs or budget figures but outlined how the Pentagon sees the current threat environment. The military must focus on new technologies, and not be bound by slow acquisition processes, to counter threats from increasing numbers of more capable missile systems, to include hypersonic vehicles. “Today we reaffirm that a strong America remains the best way to prevent conflict, promote peace, preserve freedom and protect our great people,” President Trump said when announcing the review at the Pentagon. Read the full story by Brian Everstine.

LaPlante: Let New Acquisition Reforms Play Out Before Implementing More

Following the release this week of the final report from a Congressionally mandated commission on acquisition reform, known as the Section 809 Panel, the Air Force’s former acquisition executive argues the government needs to slow the rollout of new acquisition reforms so the military can fully understand its new authorities. Congress is expected to take up the panel’s recommendations as part of the fiscal 2020 defense policy bill. Read the full story by Rachel S. Cohen.

Air Force Releases Report on Competition, Threats in Space

The Air Force’s National Air and Space Intelligence Center on Wednesday published an overview of the threats Russia and China pose in space, from cyber attacks, electronic jamming, and other anti-satellite weapons to the growing chance assets will collide in orbit. The 25-page report also touches on Chinese and Russian space exploration and the proliferation of foreign satellite communications, navigation, and launch services. “Foreign space competitors will pursue new capabilities to access, operate in, and conduct war using the space domain, while working to deny the same to others,” according to the report. “Development of some space technologies could lead to a misperception of intent, driving countries to adopt a more hostile posture. Understanding the risks created by emerging technologies is critical to maintaining a peaceful space domain.” —Rachel S. Cohen

Thirteen Million Pounds of Scrap Still Needs to be Removed from Tyndall

It could take as long as six months remove the 13 million pounds of scrap metal still left at Tyndall AFB, Fla., after Hurricane Michael ripped through in October 2018, largely destroying the base, according to a Jan. 15 release. Approximately two million pounds of scrap already has been removed. More than 450 of the almost 750 buildings or structures on the installation “will eventually need to be demolished,” said Mark Miskin, a disposal support representative based out of nearby Eglin AFB, Fla. In preparation for the demolition, DLA spent approximately $1.1 million to ship 112 very large containers to Tyndall so the service can pack them with equipment and furniture that survived the storm, according to the release. Dave Morgan, the Eglin-based area manager for the agency’s disposition services who was one of the first to arrive at Eglin after the storm, said the service likely will have to demilitarize “two storm-damaged QF-16 drones and three F-15 and F-16 static displays,” pending final approval from service leadership, the release said. —Jennifer-Leigh Oprihory

SASC Announces Subcommittee Assignments

The Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday announced subcommittee leadership for the 116th Congress. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) will replace Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) as ranking member of the Cybersecurity subcommittee; Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) is the new ranking member of the Strategic Forces panel, having replaced Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.); and Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.) is the new chairman of the Seapower subcommittee.


Moody AFB Airman Found Dead on Base in South Korea

Officials with Moody Air Force Base are investigating the death of an airman. WCTV

Airman Found Guilty in Death of Barksdale Airman

Less than a year after a Barksdale airman was found stabbed to death inside Anderson Air Force Base in Guam, a jury has found another airman guilty of murdering him. KNOE News 8

US Signs MoU With Qatar to Expand Support at Al Udeid Air Base

The US Department of Defense (DoD) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the state of Qatar to expand support for US military activities at the Al Udeid Air Base (AUAB) located southwest of Doha, Qatar. Air Force Technology

Pentagon to Study Putting Anti-Missile Laser Weapons in Space

The long-anticipated missile defense review shies away from a full-scale push — which critics say underlines the idea’s folly. Defense One

One More Thing …

Pie in the Sky? Here’s a New Definition of “In-Flight Food Service.”

See the video: Making Pizza on an Air Force KC-10 Extender