2022 funding

Congress Approves 2022 Spending Bill for Federal Government, Sends it to Biden’s Desk

Late on the evening of March 10, the Senate passed a massive omnibus spending bill to fund the federal government for the rest of fiscal 2022, sending it to President Joe Biden for his signature. For the Defense Department, in particular, the bill will provide $728.5 billion in discretionary spending for defense-related activities—roughly 5 percent more than the funding in fiscal 2021 and above the $715 billion requested by the Biden administration. It also includes $13.6 billion in aid to bolster Ukraine in its response to Russia’s invasion.
nuclear debate

Russia, China Developments Ending Debate Over Nuclear Modernization

Russia's invasion of Ukraine and China's growing strategic arsenal have "pretty well put to bed" the debate over whether the U.S. should preserve all three legs of the nuclear triad, Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall said. Although he would not discuss particulars about the unreleased fiscal 2023 budget, Kendall hinted that it doesn’t give as much to missile defense as he would like.

Watch, Read: Nuclear Deterrence and Global Stability

Retired Lt. Gen. David A. Deptula, dean of the Air Force Association’s Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies, moderates a panel discussion with Gen. Anthony J. Cotton, commander of Air Force Global Strike Command; and Lt. Gen. Thomas A. Bussiere, deputy commander of U.S. Strategic Command, on “Nuclear Deterrence and Global Stability” during the AFA Warfare Symposium on March 3, 2022. Watch the video or read the transcript here.

Radar Sweep

Air Force Can’t Buy Its First Hypersonic ARRW as Planned, Following Budget Cut

Breaking Defense

The Air Force’s hopes for buying its first hypersonic missiles this year appear to be dead, with congressional appropriators halving funding for the service’s flagship hypersonic weapons program in the new fiscal 2022 omnibus spending bill. The Air Force had requested about $161 million in the fiscal ’22 budget request to buy the first 12 AGM-183A Air-launched Rapid Response Weapon missiles from manufacturer Lockheed Martin. However, the spending bill cuts about $80 million of that total, stating that procurement of the new weapon is early to need.

Iran Launches Second Military Satellite Amid Nuclear Deal Talks


Iran has placed a second military satellite into orbit amid ongoing talks that seek to revive a previous nuclear deal between Tehran and major Western powers. According to the local Tasnim news agency, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Aerospace Force launched the Noor-II satellite into a low Earth orbit. The “homegrown” satellite was launched using a Qased rocket. The three-stage Qased carried the satellite from a launch pad in Shahroud, Iran.

New Bipartisan Bill Would Allow U.S. Govt. to Provide Internet in War Zones


New bipartisan legislation focused on providing cellular and internet connectivity in war zones was unveiled as U.S. lawmakers continue to respond to Russia’s war on Ukraine. Sponsored by Sens. John Cornyn (R-Texas) and Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) the Safely Accessing Telecommunications Act would allow the U.S. Departments of Defense and State to contract telecommunications companies to help provide internet and broadband access to regions in conflict.

Space Programs Moving Up on DOD’s Budget Priority List


Pentagon funding for space programs will grow in the coming years as the U.S. military increasingly relies on satellites to conduct operations, the Defense Department’s comptroller Mike McCord said. DOD has not yet released its funding request for fiscal 2023, so McCord could not discuss specifics. During a wide-ranging talk on the military’s budget priorities, he noted that DOD is making space capabilities a higher priority, “whether it’s versus China, versus Russia, or anybody else.”

OPINION: Establish a Zone of Peace in Western Ukraine

Defense One

"If there is to be any future for the Ukrainian nation, the West must act immediately to establish a peacekeeping and humanitarian relief zone in unoccupied western Ukraine. This 'Zone of Peace' would be maintained by fully armed troops, either from NATO, the EU’s “Defence Forces of the European Union,” or—although a difficult aspiration—a coalition of non-European states ostensibly under United Nations General Assembly authority. The zone would be intended to both protect civilians and preserve a semblance of independence for the Ukrainian people. If requested by President Zelenskyy, such an action would be in full accordance with international law,” writes Sam J. Tangredi, director of the Institute for Future Warfare Studies at the Naval War College.

Hacking Poses Risks for Artificial Intelligence

Signal Magazine

In the rush to implement national security use cases for artificial intelligence and machine learning, policymakers need to ensure they are properly weighing the risks, say experts in the field. Like all software, artificial intelligence is vulnerable to hacking. But because of the way it has to be trained, AI is even more susceptible than most software—it can be successfully attacked even without access to the computer network it runs on.

The Latest on Missile Warning & Defense

Air Force Magazine

Recent Russian and Chinese missile launches raised the stakes in space. Find out the latest news on sensing, tracking, and defending against enemy missile strikes.

Proposed Space Development Agency Funding Boost Falls Short of Earlier Request


The Space Development Agency is poised for a $550 million funding boost in the compromise defense budget bill that would accelerate plans to provide a missile warning and tracking capability for U.S. Indo-Pacific Command. However, the increase is $200 million short of previous proposals, and it’s not clear whether that reduction will require a change to the agency’s plan to launch at least 28 wide- and medium-field-of-view satellites as part of its Tranche 1 Tracking Layer (T1TL).

Missile Defense Agency Fires Patriot Missile From THAAD System

Defense News

The U.S. Missile Defense Agency successfully launched the most advanced version of the Patriot missile from a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system in a Feb. 24 test at White Sands Missile Range, N.M., Lockheed Martin told Defense News. The Patriot Advanced Capability-3 Missile Segment Enhanced—or PAC-3 MSE—was fired using the THAAD system against a simulated incoming target.

Lockheed Martin Wins Air Force’s Ground-Based Radar Replacement Competition


The Air Force has chosen Lockheed Martin to replace a tactical ground-based radar system used to carry out airspace defense operations. USAF said it will exercise an option of a previously awarded contract to procure the company’s AN/TPY-4(V)1 technology for the Three-Dimensional Expeditionary Long-Range Radar production effort through the “SpeedDealer” middle-tier acquisition approach.

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Space Force Bumps USSF-12 Two-Spacecraft GEO Mission Payload

Aviation Week

A Space Force mission slated to launch aboard United Launch Alliance’s next Atlas V has been delayed at the customer’s request, the company said March 9. Launch services for the mission, designated USSF-12, were awarded to ULA in March 2018.

One More Thing

Feminist, Surgeon, Spy: Meet the Only Woman to Ever Receive the Medal of Honor

Task & Purpose

Dr. Mary Edwards Walker, born Nov. 26, 1832, in Oswego, N.Y., was intent on breaking stereotypes for women almost from the very beginning. Her parents were abolitionists and “encouraged her to think freely,” the National Women’s History Museum says. She regularly wore men’s trousers and collared shirts, Sharon Harris, author of “Dr. Mary Walker: An American Radical, 1832-1919,” told NBC News. When the Civil War broke out, Walker attempted to join the Army as a medical officer, according to NPR, but was rejected immediately—by the Secretary of War himself.