Russia Expands Use of Iranian Base for Strikes

Russian aircraft on Wednesday took off from Iran for the second time to conduct airstrikes in Syria. A member of Iran’s parliament said Wednesday that Russian aircraft used the Shahid Nojeh Air Base near Hamedan to refuel before striking targets...

Wilsbach Takes Command of 11th Air Force

Lt. Gen. Kenneth Wilsbach took command of 11th Air Force during a ceremony on Tuesday at JB Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska. Wilsbach will also command US Northern Command’s Alaska Command and the Alaskan NORAD Region, taking the reins from retiring Lt. Gen....

Service Wants New CAS Squadron at Nellis

The Air Force is restructuring the 57th Operations Group at Nellis AFB, Nev., to enhance its focus on close air support integration. The service would like the 57th OG to include a tactical air support squadron made up of eight...

More US Contractors in Afghanistan than Troops

Defense Department contractors make up 77 percent of the total US presence in Afghanistan, while contractors in Iraq have rapidly increased as the battle against ISIS continues, according to a new congressional report. The Defense Department, as of March 2016,...

Lockheed Opens T-50A Facility

Lockheed Martin on Tuesday opened a facility in Greenville, S.C., that will house manufacturing and training equipment for its T-50A—its entry in the competition to field the Air Force’s T-X trainer. The Advanced Pilot Training building will be used to...

Water Work

A Dayton, Ohio, startup wants to develop a home-use water filtration device using Air Force-developed technology. InfiniPure made a patent licensing agreement with the Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, so it can use technology designed to filter...

Misawa Runway Reopened

The runway at Misawa AB, Japan, reopened on Aug. 5 after nearly three weeks of construction. The $2.1 million repair project extended the life of the heavily used runway, ensuring safe conditions for the 35th Fighter Wing, Naval Air Facility...