How Much for an F-35?

The Pentagon on March 19 released new unit cost estimates for the F-35 strike fighter, indicating that the program had increased by 57 to 89 percent over its established baseline. As we reported earlier, Pentagon acquisition chief Ash Carter had told the Senate Armed Services that the F-35 would break Nunn-McCurdy cost-monitoring thresholds. Anything over a 50 percent increase above the baseline, per Nunn-McCurdy, requires program recertification. Per the just-released cost estimates, in then-year dollars, which some consider a more accurate rendering, each F-35 will cost between $114 million and $135 million. The Pentagon had expected to buy 2,852 fighters in the original baseline program; the new estimates are based on 2,443 aircraft.

The “Unflagging” Bone

The Air Force’s B-1B bomber force has maintained an “unflagging” presence in Southwest Asia since combat operations commenced there after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, flying more than 6,900 missions and amassing more than 70,000 combat hours, according to...

Step by Step

Lt. Gen. Frank Klotz, commander of Air Force Global Strike Command, told lawmakers this week that the newest USAF major command is being “established in a methodical, step-by-step fashion.” After standing up provisionally in January 2009 and being activated in...

Pacific Bomber Rotations to be Longer

The Air Force is going to extend the now-routine deployment of B-52s and B-2s to the Pacific region from four-month tours to six months, according to testimony by Maj. Gen. David Scott, the Air Staff’s director of operational capability requirements....

Vertical Landing in the Bag

The day after proving the F-35B short takeoff/vertical landing test aircraft could hover successfully, F-35 lead STOVL pilot Graham Tomlinson took BF-1 through its first vertical landing demonstration on March 18 at NAS Patuxent River, Md. In a Lockheed Martin...

Can It Wait a Bit?

A Pentagon spokesman, Bryan Whitman, told Reuters news service Thursday that the Pentagon might entertain “reasonable extensions” in the KC-X tanker bid process “if necessary.” There has been some speculation that EADS might request such an extension to enter the...

Keeping Him Awake

Asked by one Congressman what keeps him up at night, Gen. Howie Chandler, USAF vice chief of staff, replied: pressures on the budget from a weapons sustainment shortfall, the costs of maintaining the all-volunteer force, and “accelerating” costs for the...

The People Numbers

Testifying before the House Armed Services readiness panel March 16, Gen. Howie Chandler, Air Force vice chief of staff, said that USAF has some 40,000 airmen deployed “on any given day” in Southwest Asia “providing close air support, tactical and...

Building More Four-Ship F-16 Sims

L-3 Communications announced this week that the Air Force has awarded it a $20.9 million contract option to deliver a second four-ship F-16 mission training center suite, bringing its total MTC contract value to $109.1 million. For the MTC suite,...

Air Sorties from SWA 031410

Air Sorties in Southwest Asia, March 14-15, 2010 Sortie Type OIF OEF OIF/OEF Total YTD ISR 53 64 117 4,341 CAS/Armed Recon 38 148 186 6,631 Airlift 361 361 12,000 Air refueling 78 78 3,058 Rescue 56 56 295 Total...