Read My Lips, No

The Air Force is resolute about not buying any more generation 4.5 fighters for the Air National Guard or Air Force Reserve, let alone the active force, Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz said yesterday. Speaking at the Heritage Foundation...

Get Used to It

To make the Air Force’s future scheme work of having a smaller, yet more capable fighter force, Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz said yesterday he’ll need “everybody’s cooperation.” This means, Schwartz told attendees at his Heritage Foundation speech in...

Tacair Road Wreck

During the June 9 hearing of the Senate Armed Service Committee’s airland panel on tactical aviation programs, Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.), a leading defender of the F-22 program, expressed concern over how the Defense Department is handling the projected gaps...

Nuclear Support

Air Force Secretary Michael Donley announced Wednesday that Minot AFB, N.D., will be the beddown location for the 798th Munitions Maintenance Group, a new unit that will officially stand up this summer to support Air Force Global Strike Command. Minot...

Nothing Short of Miraculous

That’s how Air Forces Central Commander Lt. Gen. Gary North described the efforts of the various Air Force teams that played a role in enabling the service to field the first MC-12W manned intelligence-reconnaissance-surveillance aircraft in Southwest Asia earlier this week, leading to its first combat mission on Wednesday from Joint Base Balad, Iraq. "They've satisfied very ambitious objectives and done it alongside our industry partners to achieve combat-urgent requests in a superb fashion, from initial contracts to combat sorties inside eight months," North said in a Balad release June 11. He said the MC-12W will enhance and complement the US and coalition “ISR umbrella” that supports operations in Afghanistan and Iraq and will integrate seamlessly into the scheme of maneuver for processing, exploiting, and disseminating its signals intelligence and streaming video feeds to support warfighters at all levels. The Air Force began a program last April to acquire 37 MC-12Ws on an accelerated schedule to bolster overhead ISR coverage in Afghanistan and Iraq. It accepted the first MC-12W from manufacturer Beechcraft in March. While the goal was to field the first MC-12W in the war theater in April, this subsequently slipped to June, a delay that apparently angered Defense Secretary Robert Gates. The Air Force has said dealing with a variety of configurations in integrating the sensors on the initial aircraft has been the holdup.

Fraser Gets Senate Nod

The Senate on Wednesday confirmed the nomination of Lt. Gen. Douglas Fraser for promotion to the rank of general to serve as commander of US Southern Command. Fraser is the first Air Force general to head SOUTHCOM, which oversees the...

Keeping Busy

The 455th Air Expeditionary Wing at Bagram Air Field, Afghanistan, set a new record in May when its A-10s and F-15Es accumulated more than 5,000 combat flight hours, an unprecedented total for one month. Aircrews flying the wing’s A-10s and...

Mating Season

Engineers have mated the infrared sensor payload and spacecraft bus of the Air Force’s second SBIRS early warning satellite, according to lead contractor Lockheed Martin. In a release June 10, the company stated that the successful coupling paves the way...

Slight Slip, Still Good

Despite missing its monthly recruiting goal for the month of May, the Air National Guard is flush with new recruits, ensuring it is ahead of its overall fiscal year goal. The same goes for the Army National Guard and Army...

On F-22s for Japan

It’s unlikely that Japan will get to buy the F-22, Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz said yesterday. He told the Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C., that the “three obstacles” to such an export are probably too tough to overcome....

Silent but Deadly

Boeing is in discussions with the US government to assess the releasability of stealth technology to various potential customers forits F-15 Silent Eagle, which would have some degree of frontal radar-cross-section reduction, says Brad Jones, the company’s F-15 future fighters...

McChrystal Confirmed for Top Afghan Post

Army Lt. Gen. Stanley McChrystal received the Senate’s approval on June 10 to receive a fourth star and become the commander of US Forces Afghanistan and the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force. He will replace Army Gen. David McKiernan. Defense...

Air Sorties in War on Terrorism, Southwest Asia

June 9, 2009 Sortie Type OIF OEF OIF/OEF Total YTD ISR 23 22 45 6,496 CAS/Armed Recon 26 85 111 15,596 Airlift 125 125 21,836 Air refueling 61 61 7,215 Total 342 51,143 OIF=Operation Iraqi Freedom OEF=Operation Enduring Freedom ISR=Intelligence-surveillance-reconnaissance...