The “Absolutely Critical” Cyber Domain

Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne wants to know how to prepare, mass, and deliver precision strike in cyberspace. Speaking Oct. 20 at Johns Hopkins University to the Precision Strike Association, Wynne talked broadly about many Air Force initiatives, saying that defending and fighting in the cyber domain is “absolutely critical” to maintain air, space, sea, and ground operations. Wynne maintained that attaining and maintaining cyberspace dominance will improve the “information mosaic” which he described as the “whole net of data—analog and digital, pixels and composites images—from all sensors that can be collected and downloaded and cross-loaded for use by all in the fight.”

A Second Chance to Serve

USAF officials want to fill 40 critical positions with former service personnel who have served in specific career fields: airborne or ground cryptology linguistics; combat control; tactical air command and control; survival, evasion, resist, and escape operations; pararescue; explosive ordnance...

High Praise

The men and women of the US Air Force represent the best Air Force in the world, and this generation is “as good as ever, but they are standing on the shoulders of giants,” Gen. Michael Moseley, Air Force Chief...

A PJ’s Second Home

Pararescue jumper trainees spend two weeks in the water as part of their six-week air operations training before they become fully trained PJs. This year, 20 PJ trainees and 13 instructors from the 342nd Training Squadron at Kirtland AFB, N.M.,...

B-2 FAB-T Work Advances

Boeing has integrated the hardware and software for a B-2 bomber prototype system within its Family of Advanced Beyond-line-of-sight Terminals, which the company expects to “provide critical, secure beyond-line-of-sight communications capability,” according to a Boeing news release. The prototype system—a...

Learning to be Lean

CMSAF Rodney McKinley took 11 airmen from USAF’s major commands on a visit to United Airlines’ San Francisco airport facility to study that company’s lean practices. The two-day excursion was part of a training course designed to aid the Air...

Goal’s the Same, Tactics May Change:

The President, in his Saturday radio address, said that the goal in Iraq is “clear and unchanging: Our goal is victory. What is changing are the tactics we use to achieve that goal.” However, news reports indicate that more than...

Pressing Congress:

The Pentagon apparently wants to energize its legislative affairs corps to become more proactive in its dealings with Congress, reports Megan Scully of Congress Daily. Robert Wilkie, the new assistant secretary for legislative affairs, told Scully in an interview that...

OTs Get Tuskegee History Lesson:

The Air Force now is sending its officer trainees on field trips to help them absorb some of the service’s heritage, specifically the famed World War II Tuskegee Airmen, the Army Air Corps first black aviators. OTs from the Officer...

The Money, the Date:

There is still no public word on whether Washington and Seoul have settled their differences over transfer of wartime control of forces in South Korea. US officials have stated that South Korea should pay more toward defense of the peninsula,...

VA to Build New Las Vegas Med Center:

Beginning in 2011, the rapidly growing veterans population of Las Vegas will have access to a new full-service medical facility, for which ground was broken Oct. 20. Veterans Affairs Secretary James Nicholson joined Nevada’s Congressional delegation and local officials for...

Air Sorties in the Global War on Terrorism

Oct. 20-22, 2006 Sortie Type OIF OEF OIF/OEF Total ISR 55 21 76 CAS/Armed Recon 116 111 227 Airlift 460 460 Air refueling 103 103 Total 171 132 563 866 OIF=Operation Iraqi Freedom OEF=Operation Enduring Freedom ISR=Intelligence-surveillance-reconnaissance