Dedicating the Air Force Memorial:

Uniformed and civilian defense officials, airmen of all ages and friends and family gathered in Washington Oct. 14 to help dedicate the new Air Force Memorial overlooking the Pentagon. President George Bush officially accepted the memorial on behalf of the...

Tanker is No. 1 Priority:

Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Michael Moseley says that the service has made securing a new aerial refueling aircraft its top procurement priority. Following it are a new combat rescue helicopter, space-based early warning and communications satellites, the F-35...

USAF’s Long, Long War:

Gen. Michael Moseley reminded reporters at the Pentagon late last week that the Air Force has been engaged in the Middle East since August 1990. “The Air Force has been in continual combat since that time—16 straight years through operations...

The New Airman:

The Air Force Chief of Staff says the service’s long years of combat experience (see above) are driving it to change the way it develops and trains airmen. Gen. Michael Moseley told Pentagon reporters, “We are looking at what it...

Keep the U-2, Dump the Pilot?:

In an interview for C-Span that aired Sunday, Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne said that the Air Force is now investigating ways in which it can prolong a pilot’s flight time in the high-flying U-2 reconnaissance aircraft or, perhaps, eliminate...

The Pueblo Experience Begins:

The first 15 students for the Air Force’s new Initial Flight Screening program arrived at Pueblo, Colo., last week. Running the IFS operation is Doss Aviation, which the service contracted to provide facilities, flight instruction, aircraft, maintenance, and emergency services....

The Texan II Arrives at Columbus:

The 14th Flying Training Wing at Columbus AFB, Miss., received its first new T-6A Texan II last week. State and local officials turned out to acknowledge the arrival and mark the beginning of the end for the base’s T-37 Tweet...

Airman Impresses Marines:

MSgt. Gary Solomon, a munitions systems specialist from Kadena AB, Japan, has become the first non-marine to receive the Gung-Ho Award at the Marine Staff Noncommissioned Officer Academy’s Advanced Course on Okinawa. The marines attending the course present the award...

“Mistake” Numbers Edge Up:

A recent Gallup poll shows that a greater majority of Americans believe the US made a mistake in sending troops to Iraq. Heading closer to mid-term elections, some 56 percent believe it was a mistake compared to 49 percent in...

“The First Battle of Any War”:

Gen. Michael Moseley, the top uniformed official of the Air Force, penned an op/ed last week, extolling the contributions of the US Air Force over the years and noting that, although many things have changed during his 35-year career, one...

A New CSAF Reading List:

Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Michael Moseley issued a new reading list on Friday, discussing his choices in a letter to airmen. He writes: “The list’s historical focus is based on my conviction that, in a time of accelerating change, it’s essential we fully understand the heritage upon which we’re building our future. … We must understand the history that’s made us the Air Force we are today, and we must understand the historical and political contexts, which framed the debates of the past and color people’s thinking today.” You can find the list here.

First Red Flag for 2007:

Air Combat Command’s Air Warfare Center at Nellis AFB, Nev., is in the midst of the first Red Flag for the new fiscal year. The exercise, which runs through Oct. 20, comprises USAF F-16, F-15, C-130, KC-135, and E-3 AWACS...

DOD Identifies Vietnam War Airman:

The Pentagon has identified the remains of 1st Lt. James L. Hull, a Lubbock, Tex., native who was killed on Feb. 19, 1971. The O-2A Skymaster Hull and another airman were flying crashed near Vietnam’s border with Laos. US forces...

DOD Posts New Tricare Handbook:

The Tricare Management Activity has produced a new and improved handbook for beneficiaries covered under Tricare Standard, the basic cost per service option. Readers may access the handbook here.

Air Sorties in the Global War on Terrorism

Oct. 12, 2006 Sortie Type OIF OEF OIF/OEF Total ISR 16 12 28 CAS/Armed Recon 51 51 102 Airlift 130 130 Air refueling 37 37 Total 67 63 167 297 OIF=Operation Iraqi Freedom OEF=Operation Enduring Freedom ISR=Intelligence-surveillance-reconnaissance