The planned addition between now and 2020 of a range of new weapons to the B-52—USAF’s versatile and oldest bomb truck—is underway, according to a June 16 Pentagon contract announcement. The Air Force awarded Boeing $150 million to kick-start the...
Sen. Kit Bond (R-Mo.) and Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) have reduced their highest expectation—that of securing a seat on the Joint Chiefs of Staff for the head of the National Guard Bureau—in an amendment they have proposed for the 2007...
The Low Cost Air Guard: The Command Chief Master Sergeant of the Air National Guard, CMSgt. Richard Smith, says ANG’s chief concern as the Air Force transforms itself into a leaner fighting force is to ensure the Air Guard performs...
The senior enlisted man for the Air National Guard, CMSgt. Richard Smith told the Guard and Reserve Commission that ANG airmen are serving in 27 countries, has responsibility for 90 percent of the US homeland air sovereignty mission, and flies...
Battlefield Airman Tests the Future in Binoculars: The coordination between battlefield airmen and pilots may get a boost with a new gyro-stabilized, laser-incorporating set of binoculars, called the Stabilized Portable Optical Target Tracking Receiver. The SPOTTR, recently tested during Northern...
Was Lack of Sleep a Major Factor?: According to the Wilmington (Del.) News-Journal, the investigation into the April 3 crash of a C-5 airlifter just short of the runway at Dover AFB, Del., may have bypassed a significant factor—lack of...
C-17 Drops Launch Vehicle: An Air Force C-17 flying over Edwards AFB, Calif., released a mockup of a Falcon Small Launch Vehicle, the second in a series of tests with the 65-foot, 65,000-pound mockup booster. The June 14 test vehicle...
Iceland Units Move to Lakenheath: Air Force units in Iceland are in the process of moving from NAS Keflavik, Iceland, and Stars & Stripes reports that the last one to leave has started transferring its HH-60G helicopters and personnel to...
USAF Plans to Spiff up the “Bag”: The 28th Test and Evaluation Squadron at Eglin AFB, Fla., has begun conducting a six-month wear test for the force’s next flight suit and the T-shirt worn underneath. The test runs through November...
The Electronic Systems Center at Hanscom AFB, Mass., has just completed an upgrade on the French Airborne Warning and Control System fleet, delivering the fourth and last E-3F AWACS this month. The Radar System Improvement Program package improves the E-3’s...
The Air Force has selected the service’s 12 Outstanding Airmen of the Year for 2006: SMSgt. Michael Lemke, F.E. Warren AFB, Wyo.; SMSgt. Henry Parker III, Lajes AB, Azores; MSgt. Renee Williams, Robins AFB, Ga.; TSgt. Bradley Reilly, Hurlburt Field,...
Air Force Personnel Center plans to send an e-mail to all active, Guard, and Reserve airmen that are potentially affected by the recent theft of Veterans Affairs data. The center also has a means for airmen to check their status...
Air Force pararescue jumpers, or PJs, set themselves some difficult tasks as part of Northern Edge 2006, according to Marine Corps journalist Lance Cpl, Ethan Hoaldridge. Alaska’s climate and terrain provided an excellent training opportunity for PJs visiting from the...
June 15-16, 2006 Sortie Type OIF OEF OIF/OEF Total ISR 25 14 39 CAS/Armed Recon 95 50 145 Airlift 315 315 Air refueling 78 78 Total 120 64 393 577 OIF=Operation Iraqi Freedom OEF=Operation Enduring Freedom ISR=Intelligence-surveillance-reconnaissance