Afghan National Army and coalition forces have been punishing anti-coalition militia in the country’s Kunar province over the last month, with Air Force assets providing critical close air support. Starting on April 11, Operation Mountain Lion has seen approximately 2,500...
Red Flag Alaska 06-02 participants include airmen whose main job has them crawling around on the ground and identifying targets for aircraft strikes. TSgt. Michael Haytack, a Joint Terminal Attack Controller with the 25th Air Support Operations Squadron at Hickam...
Air Force personnel will take over six provisional reconstruction teams throughout eastern Afghanistan later this month. The teams of about 80 airmen each are taking over from Army PRTs to serve in various provinces for a one-year rotation. According to...
Lawmakers queried senior service medical personnel about the efficacy of creating a single medical command rather than having separate functions within each service. Lt. Gen. George Peach Taylor Jr., Air Force Surgeon General, calls the idea a “work in progress”—in...
At Balad AB, Iraq, the 46th Expeditionary Aircraft Maintenance Unit comprises airmen—active, Air National Guard, and British—and contractors—many of whom are former blue-suiters themselves. The contractors add a unique element, since some have worked with Predator unmanned aerial vehicles for...
President Bush has nominated Air Force Maj. Gen. Robert J. Elder Jr. for promotion to lieutenant general and to command 8th Air Force at Barksdale AFB, La. Elder, who currently is commandant of the Air War College and vice commander...
The Pentagon plan to collect bids for a next generation of Global Positioning Satellites temporarily may be stalled, reports the Wall Street Journal. The GPS III program remains in budgetary limbo, since the Air Force and DOD have decided not...
The Japanese government has called on Kadena Air Base on the island of Okinawa to reduce the noise of its F-15 operations and ensure greater safety. According to the Associated Press news service, a minor F-15 accident on the base...
Air Force Association National President Bob Largent has talked with airmen at a forward deployed location in the US Central Command area of operations. He reports they are fully engaged in the war on terror and definitely know their missions....
With the US hurricane season officially starting on June 1, the military’s relief efforts are prepped and ready, Adm. Timothy Keating told members of the media attending a US Northern Command Hurricane Preparation Day. Calling last year’s Hurricane Katrina the...
Members of the famed Tuskegee Airmen gathered at the National Museum of the US Air Force in Dayton, Ohio, recently to talk about the early years of racial integration in the military. Lt. Col. James Harvey III and Lt. Col....
A month after the crash landing of a C-5 airlifter shortly after taking off from Dover AFB, Del., on a mission to Germany, recovery operations are continuing on schedule. An 11-person team from the 653td Combat Logistics Support Squadron at...
The Air Force Personnel Center is consolidating its civilian personnel management into one operation—the better to serve the civilian workforce, said AFPC officials. They plan to merge the directorates of civilian employment and civilian force management and the civilian field...
The Air Force has created Palace HART—for Helping Airmen Recover Together—to aid airmen injured in the global war on terror. The Palace Hart program will help those airmen who cannot return to active duty explore other options, such as government...
May 5-7, 2006 Sortie Type OIF OEF OIF/OEF Total ISR 36 18 54 CAS/Armed Recon 159 65 224 Airlift 335 335 Air refueling 107 107 Total 195 83 442 720 OIF=Operation Iraqi Freedom OEF=Operation Enduring Freedom ISR=Intelligence-surveillance-reconnaissance