Daily Report

Sept. 20, 2012

The Chairman’s Advice

Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman, offered three pieces of advice to the Air Force at AFA’s Air & Space Conference this week in National Harbor, Md. Item one, he said is to “hang onto the fundamentals.”...

No One Left Out

All the services have a role to play in the AirSea Battle concept, said Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey. Speaking at AFA’s Air & Space Conference outside Washington, D.C., on Sept. 19, Dempsey, an Army general, said he thinks...

Green on Blue

The uptick in attacks by members of the Afghan security forces against their American and coalition partners doesn’t signal a huge change in the Afghan war, said Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey. Changes that US and coalition forces are...

A New Paradigm

A New Paradigm: Weighing in on the matter of resetting the Air Force after over a decade of combat deployment cycles in US Central Command, Air Combat Command boss Gen. Michael Hostage suggested Wednesday afternoon as the Four Star Forum...

Building Coalition Airmen NCOs

Building Coalition Airmen NCOs: The key to building the best NCOs for today’s Air Force is training and education, CMSAF James Roy, USAF’s top enlisted airmen, said Wednesday at AFA’s Air & Space Conference—and, he said, today’s airman is one...

Operating in Such Proximity

Operating in Such Proximity: The US is at a somewhat elevated operating tempo in the vicinity of the South China sea, according to Pacific Air Forces chief Gen. Hawk Carlisle, who spoke with reporters Sept. 19 during AFA’s Air &...

Defending Airpower

Defending Airpower: The Air Force needs to do a better job of promoting airpower and airmen need to believe in its power. That was the general consensus of the “Air-Minded Airmen” panel at AFA’s Air & Space Conference, Sept. 18....

Nuke Fad in the Gulf

Nuke Fad in the Gulf: In light of Iran’s nuclear weapons program, there is little the US can do to halt or roll-back nuclear proliferation elsewhere across the Middle East, said regional analyst Stephen Grand with the Brookings Institute. “I...

US Secures OK for Osprey Operations in Japan

US Secures OK for Osprey Operations in Japan: The Defense Department has announced that the US has reached an agreement with Japan that will allow operation of the V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft in Japan, the result of months of negotiations...

Red Eagles Over Nevada

Red Eagles Over Nevada: For more than 10 years, Gaillard “Gail” Peck and his fellow airmen in the 4477th Test and Evaluation Flight flew more than 15,000 sorties in the skies near the desert mining town of Tonopah, Nev.—only their...

MAFFS Force Stands Down from Wildfire Support

MAFFS Force Stands Down from Wildfire Support: The Air Force’s small fleet of C-130 firefighting airplanes ceased battling wildfires in the western United States. The US Forest Service released the final two Modular Airborne Firefighting System-equipped C-130s from service on...

AFSPC Inducts Space, Missile Pioneers

During its 30th anniversary celebration Sept. 17, Air Force Space Command added two new members to its Space and Missile Pioneers Hall of Fame: Dr. Hans Mark, former Secretary of the Air Force who advocated for establishment of a major...