Boeing, KAI Partner on Silent Eagle

Korea Aerospace Industries has partnered with Boeing to supply the conformal weapons bay for Boeing’s F-15 Silent Eagle model. “We are excited about KAI’s growing role on the development and production of key technologies for Boeing aircraft,” said Roger Besancenez, Boeing F-15 program vice president, in the company’s release. KAI already builds the wings and forward fuselage for South Korean air force F-15Ks. The Silent Eagle configuration features two CWBs, one of each side of the fuselage, for internal carriage of air-to-air and air-to-surface weapons. The bays help to “minimize the F-15SE’s radar signature and significantly increase its tactical options,” according to Boeing. They can also be installed on existing F-15 aircraft, and are removable. This partnership with KAI appears to be significant since Boeing officials have said they expect that South Korea would be the first Silent Eagle customer.