Air-Sea Battle Concept Rollout Imminent

Lt. Gen. Philip Breedlove, Air Staff lead for operations, plans, and requirements, said Thursday the Air Force-Navy team responsible for developing the Air-Sea Battle doctrinal concept is finishing up a year of work and will soon deliver the final version of the classified document to the Air Force Chief of Staff and Chief of Naval Operations. “I think we’re in a good place to roll this out within a month,” Breedlove told reporters in Washington, D.C. He added, “Air-Sea Battle is the first step, the first year, and I think a multi-year conversation about how our nation’s two sort of strategically postured, strategically mobile entities will address the anti-access, area-denial threat that is out there.” Already Office of the Secretary of Defense officials, the combatant commanders, and vice chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, among others, have been briefed on the concept and some “spin-off” ideas, he said. The Senate has approved Breedlove’s nomination for a fourth star for assignment as USAF’s next vice chief of staff.