30 Years After Desert Storm: Feb. 26

In commemoration of the 30th Anniversary of Operation Desert Storm, Air Force Magazine is posting daily recollections from the six-week war, which expelled Iraq from occupied Kuwait.

Feb. 26:

  • The “mother of all retreats” features Iraqi soldiers attempting to escape the envelopment of Kuwait.
  • Thousands of military and civilian vehicles, loaded with looted goods, clog a four-lane highway out of Kuwait City.
  • Repeated air attacks destroy much of the panicked army’s equipment.
  • Coalition forces engage Republican Guards between Kuwait-­Iraq border and Basra.
  • Other coalition forces seize Kuwait City and Al Jahrah.

Check out our complete chronology of the Gulf War, starting with Iraq’s July 1990 invasion of Kuwait and running through Iraq’s April 1991 acceptance of peace terms.