The House Armed Services Committee voted 43 to 14 to strike down a resolution disapproving the recommendations of the Base Realignment and Closure commission. Rep. Curt Weldon (R-Pa.) ran the panel’s BRAC mark-up. After a bit of confusion over the “double negative” vote, the lawmakers swallowed hard and axed the resolution. The BRAC haters have one last chance to derail the politically painful closing of the bases. By law, the resolution must be approved by the full House, and that debate and vote could take place late next week or just after the Columbus Day break, said Weldon. In the now highly unlikely event the House overturns the BRAC decisions, a similar resolution would have to pass in the Senate, too. Otherwise, the measure automatically becomes law.
Anduril Industries announced a new family of air-breathing cruise missiles intended to be low-cost and producible in large numbers. The “Barracuda” series is meant to flesh out anemic U.S. weapon inventories so munitions aren't exhausted in the first few weeks of an air campaign.