Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force JoAnne S. Bass outlined several efforts the service is planning to address suicide and Airmen’s mental health and promised to reveal more in the coming weeks during a livestreamed discussion with Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall on Aug. ...
Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force JoAnne S. Bass delivered a keynote address on “Today's Airmen with a Focus on the Future” at AFA’s Air, Space & Cyber Conference, Sept. 21, 2022. Watch the video or read the transcript.
Two bases in Air Mobility Command are using virtual reality to teach Airmen how to talk to someone who might be suicidal. The Air Force in recent years has been grappling with high levels of suicide in its ranks. In 2019, the department ordered a ...
The Department of the Air Force is launching a review of its mental health, family advocacy, and other support programs for Airmen and Guardians, as part of an ongoing struggle with suicide in the ranks and to offer better care during the coronavirus pandemic. The ...
As the Defense Department prepares to release its Annual Suicide Report in the coming weeks, Air Force Magazine details the impact suicide has had on the Total Force so far in 2020, and how the service’s top uniformed leaders and its reserve component are working ...
The Air Force is on a path to match its 2019 suicide level, despite a service-wide tactical pause and efforts to curb the spread, as stresses related to COVID-19 have added to the problem, the service’s top officer said Aug. 26. “One of my concerns ...
The Air Force remains committed to curbing suicides and plans to hold more resiliency stand downs so commanders can continue to connect with Airmen and encourage them to seek help if necessary. USAF also is expanding its True North program and embedding mental health providers ...
CMSgt. Timothy White Jr., senior enlisted advisor to Air Force Reserve chief Lt. Gen. Richard Scobee, is leading a push to place full-time First Sergeants in each of the Reserve’s wings and extend chaplain services across the command in an effort to boost resilience. Air ...
Air Combat Command on Feb. 18 launched a new website that looks to connect ACC Airmen with resources related to resilience, suicide and violence prevention, and diversity. "The Bridge" was borne out of feedback from conversations that occurred during the service-wide resilience tactical pause that ...