The Pentagon certified the Air Force’s Sentinel intercontinental ballistic missile program to continue despite 81 percent cost growth after a six-month review determined there are no other acceptable alternatives. Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment William LaPlante announced the decision, but did not say ...
The KC-46's improved Remote Vision System, dubbed RVS 2.0, is “likely” to be delayed into 2026, the Air Force’s top acquisition executive said March 12. Air Force assistant secretary for acquisition, technology, and logistics Andrew P. Hunter also said the service is poised for progress ...
Andrew P. Hunter, the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition Technology and Logistics, and Maj. Gen. Steve Whitney, the Military Deputy of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Space Acquisition and Integration discussed the present and future of acquisition at the ...
The cost of the B-52 re-engining program has increased 50 percent because of integration issues, according to revelations in a House Armed Services panel hearing. The B-52 Commercial Engine Replacement Program has been conducted as a middle-tier acquisition program to get underway rapidly and develop ...