August 1984

Vol. 67, No. 8

Highlights from the August 1984 Issue

Complete Contents of August 1984 PDF
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Special Section: Technology and Systems

A Preview of the Technology Revolution
USAF looks ahead to dramatic new capabilities.
By Gen. Robert T. Marsh, USAF

The Acloggies
Logistics is no longer an afterthought.

Priorities, Requirements, and Money
The tech base needs constant replenishment.
By Edgar Ulsamer

High Tech Trailblazers
Federal Contract Research Centers provide special support.
By Alexander H. Flax

Hap Arnold's Charge to Dr. von Karman
In 1944, the AAF began planning for the 1960s.


An Acquisition Superagency?
Another centralization idea is at large.
By Russell E. Dougherty

Flexibility for Naval Air
New options emerge for the carrier air wing.
By James D. Hessman

T-46A: The New Primary Platform
The next-generation trainer is on the way.
By William P. Schlitz

The Chicken Little Persuasion
Vulnerability is no key to security.
By Gen. T. R. Milton, USAF (Ret.)

The Air Force in the Attic
Great things are stored in boxes, bins, and warehouses.
By Richard E. Baughman

The AFA Nominees for 1984 - 85
The committee proposes Harris, Stearn, Wilkins, and Chabbott.
By Philip E. Musi

Bank Shot
The troops had one chance-and he was it.
By John L. Frisbee

Jane's All the World's Aircraft Supplement
By John W. R. Taylor

New Directions for the "Conscience of AFA"
The Aerospace Education Foundation reaches out.



In Focus ...

Capitol Hill

Aerospace World

Index to Advertisers



The Bulletin Board

Senior Staff Changes

Airman's Bookshelf


AFA Staff Profiles

Unit Reunions

AFA State Contacts

There I Was . . .