March 1984
Vol. 67, No. 3
Highlights from the March 1984 Issue
The Tyuratam Enigma
Valor: Instant Ace
Complete Contents of March 1984 PDF
PDF Downloads are an Air & Space Forces Association member benefit.Special Section: Soviet Aerospace Almanac
Beyond Andropov
Andropov's successor will need the military's support.
The Themes of Soviet Strategy
The lessons of the "Great Patriotic War" are dressed in nuclear clothing.
Deadly Guardians of Soviet Airspace
Air defense of the USSR is the responsibility of a separate, equal service.
Closing the Tactics Gap
Initiative and independence are the new buzzwords in Soviet air tactics.
Make It Simple . . . Make It Work
Soviet aircraft designers have followed a "philosophy of durability. "
The Structureti World of the Soviet Designer
lncrementalism and commonality characterize the conservative Soviet approach.
Organization of the Soviet Armed Forces
Top Leaders of the Soviet Armed Forces
The Tyuratam Enigma
How the Soviet spaceport was named by a CIA official using a Nazi map.
Gallery of Soviet Aerospace Weapons
A world authority details the Soviet aerospace arsenal.
The Responsibility To Be Responsible
Both the Defense Department and the media need to show a little humility.
Indivisible Airpower
We must not obscure the essential unity of airpower.
The Neglect of Strategy
Our hit-or-miss treatment of strategy is an invitation to catastrophe.
The Threat in Space
An AFA Symposium speculates on a unified Space Command and other topics.
Misunderstanding in Perpetuity
The Grace Commission couldn't understand why DoD is not run like a business.
Counting Bullets in El Salvador
Our nickel-and-dime approach to helping the Salvadorans makes no sense.
Valor: Instant Ace
It took fighter pilot Bill Shomo only six minutes to score seven kills.
Experience Pays Off in Fulfillment