August 1980
Vol. 63, No. 8

Highlights from the August 1980 Issue
Washington, D. C., July 8 Reagan’s Defense Plans The chairman of Ronald Reagan’s team of defense and foreign policy advisors, Richard V. Allen, says that if elected, the Republicans’ first priority in the defense sector will be to remedy the...
Complete Contents of August 1980 PDF
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USAF Coming on Strong in the F-16
USAF USAF's Goals In the 1980s
The USAF Recruiting Team of the Year
USAF Jane's All the World's Aircraft
Middle East: Perpetual Hotspot
European Consortia: Evolving Cooperation at Work
Mideast Survey: Problems and Prospects
S.S. (Space Ship) Pussiewillow II
“Fightin' Fourth"- USAFA's Tops for Second Year
The Last Mission of the Eddie Allen
The Veterans Administration: Fifty Years of Caring