DOD: USAF Bases Most At-Risk From Climate Change Threats

The Air Force’s base infrastructure is the most at-risk of all services from climate change, with Hill AFB, Utah, facing the most danger, according to a recent breakdown from the Pentagon. The Defense Department recently sent Congress an updated analysis of the US military’s top 10 most at-risk bases from climate change-related threats, including recurrent flooding, drought, desertification, wildfires, and thawing permafrost. Read the full story by Brian Everstine.

Three US Troops, One Contractor Killed in Explosion Outside Bagram

Three US servicemembers and a contractor were killed, and three more service members were injured, when an improvised explosive device exploded near Bagram AB, Afghanistan, on Monday. The names or service of those killed have not been released, pending next of kin notification. The explosion, reportedly from a car bomb, hit a convoy of trucks carrying Americans near the base. The wounded service members were evacuated from the location and are receiving medical care, according to a US Forces-Afghanistan statement. The incident brings the number of US forces killed in Afghanistan this year to seven. —Brian Everstine

Heads of California Air Guard, Fresno Fighter Wing Removed from Command

The head of the California Air National Guard and a wing commander in the state have been relieved of command after an Air Force Inspector General report and a newspaper investigation found a culture of reprisal. Maj. Gen. Clay Garrison, head of the California ANG, and Col. Dan. Kelley, commander of the 144th Fighter Wing in Fresno, were relieved after the IG found they failed to “maintain a positive command climate” and the California Military Department lost its “faith, trust, and confidence” in their leadership, the department told the Los Angeles Times. The Times in February published a lengthy investigation into the California Air National Guard, finding reprisal and attempted cover ups of an investigation stemming from an incident where a female airman in the 144th FW found that someone in her unit urinated in her boots. The airman was one of five who had filed formal complaints with wing leadership for reprisals or complaints of improper conduct by superiors, according to the Times. Brig. Gen. Gregory Jones, the assistant adjutant general of the California Air National Guard, has taken over command, while Col. Jeremiah Cruz was named Kelly’s interim replacement. —Brian Everstine

NSSL Competitors Differ on Right Path Ahead

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.—Three of the companies vying for two spots in the second phase of the Air Force’s National Security Space Launch program next year disagree about whether the service should delay its final request for proposals. Kent Rominger, Northrop Grumman’s vice president for strategic programs, said Monday he’d prefer the Air Force speed up the competition, while United Launch Alliance Chief Executive Officer Tory Bruno is comfortable with the pace and Blue Origin CEO Bob Smith is arguing for a delay. Read the full story by Rachel S. Cohen.

USAF, Army, Navy Secretaries Meet to Discuss Sexual Assault at Academies

Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson joined the leaders of the Navy and Army last week in a summit on sexual assault and harassment at the service academies and in the nation’s colleges, with the goal of better understanding the depth of the problem. Read the full story by Brian Everstine.

US Pulls Troops, Diplomats from Libya as Clashes Spread

The US military has pulled its forces from Libya and video from the weekend shows the Navy evacuating American diplomats as clashes spread throughout the country’s capital. US Africa Command in a Sunday statement said the contingency of US forces deployed to Libya “temporarily relocated from the country” because of increased unrest. The clashes began when the Libyan National Army, led by commander Khalifa Hifter, launched an offensive against the Libyan Government of National Accord. On Monday, the Libyan National Army advanced into Tripoli and targeted the city’s airport, according to Al Jazeera. The UN Mission in Libya on Monday called for a ceasefire to evacuate civilians and treat the wounded. AFRICOM Commander Gen. Thomas Waldhauser said in a statement the “security realities on the ground in Libya are growing increasingly complex and unpredictable. Even with an adjustment of the force, we will continue to remain agile in support of existing US strategy.” Videos surfaced online over the weekend of apparent US Navy hovercraft evacuating personnel from a beach east of Tripoli. —Brian Everstine


US Labels Elite Iran Force a Foreign Terrorist Organization

The United States on Monday designated Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps a foreign terrorist organization, an unprecedented declaration against a foreign government that may prompt retaliation and make it harder for American diplomats and military officers to work with allies in the region. The Associated Press

Trump’s Space Command to Be Based in Colorado, Alabama or California

The Air Force has identified the six military bases that could house the military’s newest combatant command, US Space Command, according to an Air Force memorandum obtained by CNN.

Air Force Selects Slingshot Aerospace to Bring Artificial Intelligence into Space Surveillance

Orbital Atlas will be tested at the Combined Space Operations Center at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, and the National Space Defense Center at Schriever Air Force Base, Colorado. Space News

6 Protesters Detained at US Air Force Drone Base in Nevada

Authorities say six protesters were detained and given misdemeanor tickets after they refused to leave the entrance of a U.S. Air Force Base northwest of Las Vegas. US News and World Report

New Chapter for the 911th Airlift Wing

The 911th Airlift Wing is undergoing an aircraft conversion switching from the C-130 Hercules to a much a larger cargo aircraft in the C-17 Globemaster III. AFRC News

Drinking Habits by Industry

Delphi Health Group culled data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Health Interview Study and found that respondents in the armed forces reported the most alcohol consumption per occupation overall. According to a recent survey conducted by the Department of Defense, one-third of service members meet the criteria for hazardous drinking as well as a possible alcohol misuse. Delphi Health Group

One More Thing …

What If We Blew Up All The World’s Nukes at Once

For starters, it would be a very, very bad day for mankind. Popular Mechanics