Yes, There Is Bomb Shortage

The Air Force is indeed experiencing a “shortfall” in “all categories” of munitions, due to the air campaign against ISIS over the last 15 months, but so far is “managing” its global stockpiles such that there’s no impact on operations...

Diverting Army Hellfires to USAF

Although forward units have been resupplied from weapons depots and “new production,” an Air Force spokeswoman said on Monday on?going operations against ISIS in Iraq and Syria have left inventories “below our desired objective.” The Air Force has worked with...

Active Duty Suicides Rise

There were more Active Duty military suicides in the third quarter of 2015 than the same period of 2014 or 2013, according to a report released Jan. 4 by the Pentagon. In the Air Force, 16 Active Duty airmen died...

DOD Proposes Changes to UCMJ

The Pentagon has proposed new changes to the Uniform Code of Military Justice after a review ordered by then-Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, according to a release. Hagel in 2013, under pressure from members of Congress about the handling of several...

Lockheed Awarded Contract for More C-130Js

The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center awarded Lockheed Martin a multi-year $5.3 billion contract to deliver 78 additional C-130J aircraft to the Air Force and Marine Corps, the company announced. Under the overall contract, the Air Force will receive...

Saudi Arabia-Iran Tensions Flare

The conflict between Saudi Arabia, which escalated quickly after Iranian protesters angry about executions by the Saudi government set fire to Saudi Arabia’s embassy in Tehran, is spreading. Saudi Arabia cut diplomatic ties with Iran on Jan. 3, after the...

CJCS in Germany

The fact that Russia has named the US a threat in a national security document doesn’t change Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford’s view of the Russian threat, he said Jan. 4 in Stuttgart, Germany....

New Electronic Warfare System for AFSOC C-130Js

BAE Systems was awarded a more than $20 million contract to develop a new electronic warfare system for Air Force Special Operations Command’s fleet of C-130J aircraft, according to a Jan. 4 company release. The Radio Frequency Countermeasure (RFCM) system...