Russia’s Impact on Inherent Resolve

Defense Secretary Ash Carter said Russia’s military presence in Syria will not change the US approach to Operation Inherent Resolve. Speaking to press during the defense ministerial in Brussels, Carter said the US will “continue to prosecute the counter-ISIL air...

NATO’s Collective Defense Plan Progresses

NATO strengthened its collective defense initiative on Oct. 8 by adding two NATO Force Integration Units (NFIUs)—one in Hungary and one in Slovakia. Defense ministers also agreed on command and control details of the Enhanced NATO Response Force—part of the...

Air Guard Director To Retire

Lt. Gen. Stanley Clarke, the director of the Air National Guard, will retire, according to an internal Air Force memo. Clarke has served as ANG director since March 2013. He previously served as the commander of 1st Air Force and...

Heightened Base Defense Level To Stay

US military facilities will stay at a heightened state of security “for some time” as the country faces a continued threat from ISIS, the military officer in charge of protecting the homeland said. Adm. Bill Gortney, commander of US Northern...

Preventing Suicide in the Total Force

The service is still working on a comprehensive review of its suicide prevention strategy, the Air Force surgeon general told a Congressional panel Thursday. “Air Force leadership is very concerned about the increasing rate at which suicide is occurring among...

Search to a Bitter End

Air Force aircraft assisted the Coast Guard in searching for the crew of the stricken ship lost in Hurricane Joaquin, until efforts were called off on Wednesday, Coast Guard officials announced. “I have come to a very difficult decision to...

Boeing To Overhaul ICBM Testing

The Air Force has awarded Boeing $110 million for an overhaul of the Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile flight test system. Under the contract, announced Oct. 2, Boeing will redesign the flight telemetry and termination system for the Minuteman III...

Getting More Out of LITENING

Engineers are working to enhance the B-52’s ability to exploit the full capabilities of the LITENING targeting pod’s laser modes for targeting, ranging, and troop support. The B-52 is capable of using both LITENING and Sniper targeting pods, but technicians...