Pentagon Releases New National Military Strategy

The Defense Department released its 2015 national military strategy on Wednesday, which calls for “greater agility, innovation, and integration,” while also acknowledging the United States’ “comparative military advantage has begun to erode.” It is the first such strategy to be...

The Rise of Hybrid Warfare

Despite repeated threats by Pentagon officials that a return to sequestration would require a change in strategy, the 2015 national military strategy released Wednesday maintains the existing requirement to defeat an adversary in a “large-scale, multi-phase campaign, while denying …...

F-35 SPO Responds to “Can’t Dogfight” Blog

The F-35 Joint System Program Office responded to a blog report—picked up by many other blogs and major British newspapers—alleging that the F-35 can’t beat the F-16 in a dogfight. The War is Boring blog, which quoted a “for official...

USAF Responds

F-35 Integration Director Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Harrigian said operational and developmental testing for the F-35 continues, but “it is too soon to draw any final conclusions about the maneuverability of the aircraft.” Responding to the War is Boring blog’s assertion...

Korea Chooses Airbus Tanker over KC-46

Airbus’ A330 multi-role tanker transport has beaten Boeing’s KC-46 in Korea’s first aerial tanker competition, it was announced late June 30. The Korean deal is worth about $1.33 billion, and covers four aircraft—the first of which is to be delivered...

Can Boeing Make Back Its Investment

While they’re disappointed not to win Korea’s tanker competition, Boeing officials feel there are other opportunities ahead. “Regarding future tanker sales, world-wide interest remains high and we’re talking to a number of potential customers,” a Boeing spokesman told Air Force...

What’s Next in Afghanistan

Brussels NATO defense ministers and Operation Resolute Support partner nations agreed to continue support of Afghanistan’s security forces, but the Alliance will not make a decision on its long-term presence in the country until after this year’s “fighting season,” officials...

The Growing Importance of Afghan Air Support

Brussels The need for air mobility and air support for Afghan forces is proving to be a vital concern in continued combat with Taliban militants, NATO officials and others told reporters at the Alliance’s recent ministerial meetings. Acting Afghan Defense...

Neller Nominated to be Marine Corps Commandant

Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced the nomination of Lt. Gen. Robert Neller to be the next Commandant of the Marine Corps. Neller, who currently serves as commander of US Marine Corps Forces Command, would replace Gen. Joseph Dunford, who has...