More Troops to Iraq

President Obama authorized up to 450 additional US military personnel to train, advise, and assist Iraq security force at Taqaddum military base in eastern Anbar province, according to a June 10 White House statement. “These new advisors will work to...

William F. Andrews, 1958-2015

One of the most decorated airmen of the 1991 Gulf War, retired Col. William F. Andrews, died June 8 of brain cancer. He was 56. Andrews received the Air Force Cross as a Captain for heroism after he was shot...

SBIRS’s New Ride

Lockheed Martin will build the Air Force’s fifth and sixth Space Based Infrared System satellites on new, more modern and upgradable spacecraft, the company announced. “Migration to the modernized A2100 will help keep SBIRS ahead of America’s adversaries while dramatically...

Double Trouble

NATO fighters scrambled to intercept two Russian military aircraft near allied airspace over the Baltic Sea during a single back-to-back sortie from Ämari AB, Estonia, earlier this week, Royal Air Force officials announced. Estonian controllers detected a lone Russian Il-20M...

Ediger Becomes USAF Surgeon General

Lt. Gen. Mark Ediger pinned on his third star and became the 22nd Air Force Surgeon General during a June 9 ceremony at the Defense Health Headquarters in Falls Church, Va. Ediger, who previously served as the deputy surgeon general,...

Air University to Launch Cyber College

Air University plans to launch an Air Force Cyber College with the first class slated to begin later this year, said Air University Commander Lt. Gen. Steven Kwast. The college, which will be similar to the National Defense University’s Cyber...

NATO RQ-4 Headed to Edwards

The 412th Test Wing at Edwards AFB, Calif., will conduct the flight testing and envelope expansion of NATO’s first Alliance Ground Surveillance program RQ-4B Global Hawk, officials announced. Northrop Grumman unveiled NATO 1, the first of five Global Hawks slated...