Getting AMPed Up

Air Force operations and maintenance accounts may take a 15-percent cut because of the service’s position on the C-130 Avionics Modernization Program (AMP), Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.) warned Wednesday. During a House Armed Services Committee’s seapower and projection forces panel...

No Promises on Top Three

Even though the Air Force has “done our best” to “protect” funding for the F-35, KC-46 tanker, and Long-Range Strike Bomber, if sequester returns, those programs will still be under “tremendous stress,” Air Force acquisition chief William LaPlante told the...

No Margin of Error

Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told House appropriators on Wednesday there is “no margin of error or any buffer” built in to the Defense Department’s Fiscal 2016 budget request “for strategic surprise.” Although Dempsey...

Carter: Sectarianism Root of Iranian Presence in Iraq

Defense Secretary Ash Carter told House appropriators on Wednesday the quickest way to defeat ISIS in Iraq is to promote a multi-sectarian government. “What created the vacuum and opportunity for [ISIS] in Iraq was the re-emergence of sectarianism,” said Carter...

Cyber Leaders: Sequestration Would Stop Progress

The leaders of the military cyber forces told House legislators they have made progress in building their mission teams and capabilities against a growing threat, but they warned that a return to sequestration funding levels would slow or stop that...

Unleash the Tucanos

Afghan air force close air support is a key capability gap that must be filled to enable coalition forces to hand more security responsibility over to Afghan forces, said US Forces Afghanistan Commander Army Gen. John Campbell on Wednesday. The...

Well Done, Weathered Warhorse

The Air Force’s oldest operational C-130, an HC-130P Combat King rescue support tanker, took off for the last time at Moody AFB, Ga., and flew into retirement at Davis Monthan AFB, Ariz., announced Moody officials. The airplane, serial number 62-1863,...

The Heat is On

Lockheed Martin’s Advanced Test High Energy Asset 30-kilowatt fiber laser, known as ATHENA, successfully burned a hole in the engine of a small truck from more than a mile away during the first field test of the weapon system recently,...

Dutch Approve Buy of Eight More F-35As

The Dutch parliament approved the acquisition of eight F-35A strike fighters, the Netherlands’ first batch of F-35A production jets, to begin recapitalizing the country’s F-16 fleet starting in 2019, reports Flightglobal. The first two Dutch F-35s transferred from Eglin AFB,...