House Approves Authorization Bill, McKeon Bids Farewell

The House approved a $585 billion Fiscal 2015 defense authorization bill on Thursday with a largely bipartisan vote of 330-119. Outgoing House Armed Services Committee Chairman Rep. Buck McKeon (R-Calif.) used the vote to bid his farewell to the Congress...

DOD Sex Assaults Down, Reporting Up

Although sexual assaults in the military have decreased Defense Department-wide, service members are reporting more of the crimes that do occur, bringing more perpetrators to justice, according to the most recent independent survey results. “We believe that our efforts to...

DOD Prosecuting More Sexual Offenders

A total of 2,419 service members were accused of a sexual assault in 2014 and the Defense Department “had evidence to take some kind of action against 73 percent of them,” according to the Pentagon’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Response...

Tick-Tock, KC-46

Boeing has drawn up a new schedule for testing and delivering the KC-46, though it is still aiming to deliver 18 airplanes by 2017, US Transportation Command boss Gen. Paul Selva said Thursday in Washington, D.C. Selva said the original...

If You Want American-Made…

The Boeing 747-8 is likely to be the basis of the next Air Force One presidential transport, US Transportation Command chief Gen. Paul Selva said Thursday. Talking with defense reporters in Washington, D.C., Selva said “we haven’t said we want...

Congress Prevents C-130 AMP Cancellation

The most recent version of the Fiscal 2015 defense authorization bill prevents the Air Force from taking any action to scale back or eliminate its C-130H Avionics Modernization Program—a target for USAF cost cutters since Fiscal 2013. The authorization language...

Air Mobility After Afghanistan

Despite nearing the finish of the retrograde of people and gear from Afghanistan, an upcoming airlift study likely won’t call for reduced organic airlift, US Transportation Command chief Gen. Paul Selva said Thursday. Speaking with defense reporters in Washington, D.C.,...

Ebola Airlift Boxes

By early January, the Air Force will have a brand-new capability to transport numbers of people exposed to the Ebola virus, or other highly contagious communicable diseases, US Transportation Command chief Gen. Paul Selva told reporters Thursday in Washington, D.C....

Monitoring Ebola in Africa

US Africa Command boss Army Gen. David Rodriguez said the US continues to monitor Ebola outbreaks in surrounding African countries, though at this time he doesn’t see a need to expand Operation United Assistance beyond Liberia. “Right now, USAID does...

Pounding the Prairie

B-52s from Minot AFB, N.D., flew 40 conventional bombing sorties in four days without scrubbing a single sortie during Prairie Warrior in late November. “Just weeks after coming out of succeeding in a large-scale nuclear exercise, we accomplished our base’s...