Kehler Takes Command of STRATCOM

Gen. Robert Kehler last week assumed command of US Strategic Command at Offutt AFB, Neb. Defense Secretary Robert Gates presided over the change-of-command ceremony, during which Kehler took the reins of authority from Gen. Kevin Chilton, who led STRATCOM since...

Training for Post-DADT Policy Set to Begin

Defense Department officials say they expect to certify the policy changes necessary to implement the repeal of the Clinton-era Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell law within the next year. However, the date will be “subjective,” leaving some wiggle room in case...

Spain Bans US Aerial Refueling

Starting Tuesday, US military aircraft may no longer refuel in flight in NATO ally Spain’s airspace, Spanish Defense Minister Carme Chacon announced last week. US officials must also request flight permits in advance and provide more details on US military...

Gurney Sentenced in Court Martial Case

CMSgt. William Gurney, former command chief of Air Force Materiel Command, has received 20 months confinement, reduction in grade to E-1 (airman basic), and a dishonorable discharge for 15 violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. The six-member panel...

New Uniform for Airmen in Afghanistan

Beginning in March, airmen deployed in combat roles to Afghanistan will wear the new Operation Enduring Freedom Camouflage Pattern, or OCP, uniform. Initially only airmen with “responsibilities outside the wire” will receive OCP fatigues, although the uniform will eventually become...

Pentagon Discusses Post-DADT Policy Guidance

Senior Pentagon officials said last week they do not expect to make any policy changes with regards to housing and benefits following the repeal of the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell law. That’s because the Defense of Marriage Act, which defines...

Canada’s Tenuous F-35 Sweet Spot

Canadian defense minister Peter MacKay last week underscored Canada’s commitment to the F-35 strike fighter and the need for timely procurement of the stealth aircraft. “It’s clear that it’s the intention of the government of Canada to proceed with the...

Civil Air Patrol Gets Equipment Upgrade

Air Forces Northern officials at Tyndall AFB, Fla., have provided the Civil Air Patrol with new portable communications equipment to help members of the volunteer USAF auxiliary in their domestic search and rescue operations, counterdrug activities, and training. Last week,...

Air Force-NASCAR Partnership Continues

The Air Force has renewed its partnership with Richard Petty Motorsports and the No. 43 car for the 2011 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series. This is the 10th season of USAF’s sponsorship for recruiting purposes. Richard Petty Motorsports is “perhaps the...