
The Air Force yesterday published a new version of its nuclear operations doctrine that supersedes the previous iteration from July 1998. One of the most significant changes reflected in Air Force Doctrine Document 2-12, as the new document is known,...

Spears tapped for AFSOUTH

Lt. Gen. Glenn Spears, currently the deputy commander of US Southern Command, has been nominated to take over 12th Air Force (Air Forces Southern), replacing Lt Gen. Norman Seip, the Air Force announced yesterday. Seip, who has lead AFSOUTH since...

Give Me Liberty

The Air Force is several months behind schedule in incorporating MC-12W sensor aircraft into the fight in Southwest Asia, much to the frustration of Defense Secretary Robert Gates, USA Today reported May 31. The newspaper cites Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell...

Weighing In

Army Gen. David Petraeus, the top US military official in Southwest Asia, said last week he’s seen footage of the controversial US air strike on May 4 in Afghanistan’s Farah province and it clearly shows that the bombs targeted and...

Extending Cooperation

The Air Force renewed its bilateral training plan with the Brazilian Air Force last month, thereby cementing the two parties’ joint participation in exercises and events over the next year. Lt. Gen. Norman Seip, 12th Air Force (Air Forces Southern)...

Long-Range Thinking

Lockheed Martin and Sensis have each won 20-month contracts to develop prototypes of the new three-dimensional long-range radar (3DLRR) that the Air Force wants to replace its TPS-75 radar inventory. Lockheed Martin received work valued at up to $24.9 million,...

Healing Touch

An Air Force surgeon at the Wilford Hall Medical Center at Lackland AFB, Tex., has begun using a new fractional laser to treat battle scars on service members injured in Afghanistan and Iraq. “The laser softens the texture of the...


Raytheon announced last week that the seventh test flight of the AIM-120D, the newest variant of the advanced medium range air-to-air missile, “achieved all primary test objectives” based on initial analysis. The previously undisclosed test took place on March 19...

Lajes Airman Receives Bronze Star

The Air Force awarded MSgt. Duane Frey of the 65th Contracting Squadron at Lajes Field, Azores, a Bronze Star on May 22 for his work as chief of the procurement management review team for the Joint Contracting Command for Iraq/Afghanistan...

Iraqi ISR Aircrews Finish Training

The first class of 16 Iraqi Air Force airmen who will operate that fledgling air arm’s King Air intelligence-surveillance-reconnaissance aircraft completed their year-long training program under the tutelage of US Air Force and Navy instructors May 17, graduating during a...

Air Sorties from SWA

Air Sorties in War on Terrorism, Southwest AsiaMay 29, 2009 Sortie Type OIF OEF OIF/OEF Total YTD ISR 25 17 42 6,031 CAS/Armed Recon 31 74 105 14,528 Airlift 125 125 20,361 Air refueling 55 55 6,644 Total 327 47,564...