A Swelling Airpower Crisis

For the first time since World War II, the combat component of the US Air Force has failed to re-equip itself, and, as a result, “it has already undergone irrevocable change and damage.” That is one main conclusion of “Combat Air Forces in Crisis,” a new Mitchell Institute paper unveiled March 18 at a National Press Club event in Washington, D.C. Presenting it was a panel of the author, Mitchell Institute director Rebecca Grant; retired USAF Gen. Gregory S. Martin; Barry Watts, former head of the Pentagon’s Program Analysis & Evaluation shop; and Loren Thompson, an airpower analyst with the Lexington Institute. According to the paper, “Fighter and attack aircraft are aging faster than they can be replaced. The way out of this crisis has been blocked by the cut in F-22 Raptor production and budget-driven delays in production of the F-35 Lightning II.” The paper and panelists offered a bleak assessment of the Air Force’s future. “To the extent that the sky is going to fall, it has already fallen,” the paper contended. “It is too late to avert the crisis. Old platforms and years of inadequate procurement have set the force structure on an all-but-irreversible downward course for at least the next several years and probably much longer. Now, the Air Force is assessing the risks and remedies that will help it find ways to cope with an extremely high proportion of legacy aircraft in Combat Air Forces.” (The paper can be accessed at the Mitchell Institute Website.)

The Other Shoe

The aerospace industry was badly rattled recently by a leaked memo that the Office of Management and Budget wanted the Pentagon to consider postponing a new aerial tanker by five years and killing the 2018 bomber project outright. But that...

The Js are Here

The Air Force has just stood up a new airlift squadron at Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan, to support the increased levels of US troops in the country. The 772nd Expeditionary Airlift Squadron, a C-130J unit, was officially activated on March 15...

Fraser Tapped to Lead SOUTHCOM

Defense Secretary Robert Gates yesterday recommended that Air Force Lt. Gen. Douglas Fraser become the next head of US Southern Command. Fraser, who has been deputy commander of US Pacific Command since last April, would be the first Air Force...

Joint, Unified Moves

Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced yesterday during a news conference in the Pentagon that he is recommending to President Obama that Adm. Mike Mullen and Marine Corps Gen. James Cartwright stay on for another two year as Chairman of the...

Security Forces Shed Info Protection

The Air Force has divested its security forces of the responsibility for information protection with the creation of a new Headquarters Air Force-level information protection directorate. The shift of security forces into more combat-focused, globally deployable units drove the change,...

The Silence of the Eagles

Brad Jones, Boeing’s program manager for F-15 Future Fighters, said in a March 17 interview, that the F-15 Silent Eagle gains an important speed advantage from pulling weapons inside its two new conformal weapon stations and will have a top...

Not Keeping Silent

Boeing’s announcement March 17 that it is exploring the concept of a “stealthy” F-15 Silent Eagle model with a level of stealthiness has raised some skeptical eyebrows in the industry. Asked for comment, a Lockheed Martin spokesman said, “The experience...

A Completely Realistic Experience

Security forces personnel at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, are using a firearms training simulator, dubbed FATS, that lets them fire virtual bullets—actually beams of light—out of modified versions of real pistols, rifles, and light machine guns to help them prepare for...

Reaching Weapons Grade, or More

Northrop Grumman announced yesterday that it has successfully produced a powerful light ray out of its modular electric laser design that measured more than 105 kilowatts, thereby setting a record and marking a significant milestone in the company’s efforts to...

Air Sorties from SWA

Air Sorties in War on Terrorism, Southwest AsiaMar. 15-16, 2009 Sortie Type OIF OEF OIF/OEF Total YTD ISR 50 36 86 2,982 CAS/Armed Recon 42 156 198 7,437 Airlift 265 265 9,775 Air refueling 91 91 3,409 Total 640 22,603...