Sending a Message

Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.) and Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), along with a bipartisan group of 42 additional Senators, sent a letter last week to then-President-elect Obama, urging him to continue production of the F-22. “Permitting this production line to remain open will allow us to procure the appropriate number of F-22s to ensure our nation can achieve air dominance and effectively execute our national military strategy,” wrote Chambliss in a joint release with Murray on the Jan. 16 missive. Murray added, “At a time when we are looking to create jobs and stimulate the economy, eliminating the $12 billion in economic activity and thousands of American jobs tied to F-22 production simply doesn’t make sense.” The Senators call on Obama in the letter “to expeditiously certify” that continued production of the F-22 is in the economic and national interest of the nation. Per this fiscal year’s defense authorization act, Obama has until March 1 to inform Congress whether he intends to keep buying F-22s or shutter the line. The current program of record is 183 F-22s, although the Office of the Secretary of Defense is allowing the Air Force to purchase four more, with the funds to cover their cost expected to come from the next war supplemental. Congress has already allowed the procurement of advanced parts and materials this year for 20 more F-22s that would be built starting next year. But so far, OSD has only released funds for the long-lead parts for four.

Finalists Sites Named for Global Strike, Cyber HQs

The Air Force announced yesterday that the possible locations for the eventual permanent home of Air Force Global Strike Command are: Barksdale AFB, La., F.E. Warren AFB, Wyo., Malmstrom AFB, Mont., Minot AFB, N.D., Offutt AFB, Neb., and Whiteman AFB, Mo. The service expects to make a decision no later than the end of June. A similar timeline has been set for picking the permanent headquarters for 24th Air Force, the new cyber Numbered Air Force under Air Force Space Command, from among six finalists, USAF also announced yesterday. They are Barksdale and Offutt as well as Lackland AFB, Tex., Langley AFB, Va., Peterson AFB, Colo., and Scott AFB, Ill. In both cases, service officials said they will proceed in a measured and deliberate fashion to determine the winning location for each mission. “Current performance of a significant operational function associated with strategic nuclear forces is an overarching requirement for selecting the Air Force Global Strike Command headquarters base,” the service said. In the case for the cyber NAF, attributes such as proximity to other cyber operational missions, access to scientific and technical expertise, and communication/bandwidth capabilities will be key determinants. Bolling AFB, D.C., is serving as the provisional headquarters for AFGSC since early this month, while Barksdale has hosted the temporary seat of cyber operations for more than one year.

The Bids are In, Again

Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Sikorsky have all turned in their updated CSAR-X bids to the Air Force, meeting the service’s Jan. 20 deadline for this latest round in its combat search and rescue helicopter recapitalization saga, reports Flight. Unless the...

From One Warfighter to Another

Lt. Gen. Gary North, commander of Air Forces Central, says the airmen operating the service’s MQ-1 Predator and MQ-9 Reaper unmanned aerial vehicles over Afghanistan and Iraq are “absolutely incredible” and “writing history” with their exploits in supporting ground combat...

Satellite Fully Funded

Boeing announced Jan. 15 that it has now received full funding for the Air Force’s sixth wideband global satcom satellite via Australia’s recent installment of $234 million. “This sixth satellite will substantially expand the constellation’s overall communications capacity and operational...

Flying High

Col. Donald Lindberg, commander of Det. 1 of Air Force Reserve Command’s 301st Fighter Wing, flew an F-22 sortie for the first time at Holloman AFB, N.M., Jan. 7, thereby moving AFRC one step closer to launching its second F-22...

Air Force Gains in Public Perceptions

A 2008 Gallup poll that recently made its way onto the Internet via shows that the American public views the Air Force and Marine Corps as the “most prestigious” of the services. However, according to the Gallup Panel Military...

Airman Receives Bronze Star Medal

Maj. Dan Belden, deputy for mission design within the Space Development and Test Wing at Los Angeles AFB, Calif., received a Bronze Star medal Jan. 13 for actions in helping to reconstitute the Iraqi Air Force. During a one-year deployment...

Up Close and Personal

Aircraft maintainers with Air Force Reserve Command’s 13th Reconnaissance Squadron at Beale AFB, Calif., earlier this month got the chance, for the first time, to train on an RQ-4 Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicle during a unit training assembly weekend....

Training Facility Opens

The 36th Wing at Andersen AFB, Guam, opened a new commando warrior technical training facility at the base’s Northwest Field Jan. 20. The wing’s 736th Security Forces Squadron will use the facility to train about 1,500 airmen per year in...

Air Sorties from SWA

Air Sorties in War on Terrorism, Southwest AsiaJan. 16-19, 2009 Sortie Type OIF OEF OIF/OEF Total YTD ISR 110 48 158 709 CAS/Armed Recon 165 240 405 1,863 Airlift 510 510 2,342 Air refueling 182 182 893 Total ` 1,255...