CSAR-X Bids In

Boeing, Lockheed Martin-led Team US101, and Sikorsky have turned in their updated bids for the CSAR-X helicopter competition, meeting the Air Force’s May 27 deadline. It now lies with USAF to go back and, for the second time, pick a...

Safer Airspace

Pilot programs in Alaska and Ohio to evaluate the next generation air traffic control system that the FAA is developing together with DOD are showing “significant results,” Secretary of the Air Force Michael Wynne said May 22. In a speech to the Aero Club of Washington, D.C., Wynne said the FAA, for example, credits the automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast system, the backbone of the next-gen capability, with reducing general aviation accidents by 40 percent in areas of Alaska with no radars. ADS-B is a GPS-based means of providing both pilots and air traffic controllers with more accurate location data. The new air traffic control system will also make it easier for commercial aircraft to access normally restricted military airspace to free up congested air routes at times when the military does not require the airspace, Wynne said. “The key to striking this balance is building transparent information systems that support knowledge-enabled decisions,” he said. “The key is also to add time as a dimension in the planning—i.e., working the release of airspace not in blocks, but dynamic.” Already the Air Force is evaluating initiatives to enhance East Coast airspace access, especially during holiday periods, he said. During this past Memorial Day weekend, commercial airliners had access to military airspace along the Atlantic Coast.

A First Time for Everything

On May 24, for the first time, a US military aircraft touched down at Kampong Chhnang Province airfield in Cambodia, Pacific Air Forces said in a May 27 release. The aircraft, a C-130 from the Alaska Air National Guard’s 144th...

“Hogging” the Spotlight

A-10s dropped 500-pound laser-guided bombs on an enemy building in Zormat, Afghanistan, May 26, Air Forces Central announced May 27. A joint terminal attack controller declared the attacks a success. Overall coalition aircraft flew 49 close air supports missions that...

Low-Collateral Damage Weapon Tested

Lockheed Martin has begun drop tests of its SCALPEL low-collateral-damage munition, the company announced May 27. Three inert SCALPELs were released by two AV-8B Harriers during a recent flight test at the Navy’s China Lake test range in California, hitting...

Separating Symptoms from Disorder

One of the biggest challenges that the Army and the other services face is finding the right diagnosis for post-traumatic stress exhibited by service personnel, the Army’s top doctor told reporters May 27. Gen. Eric Schoomaker, Army Surgeon General, said...

On The Same Page

Gen Eric Schoomaker, the Army’s top doctor, said the Army and Air Force medical communities are working to ensure that the highly successful aeromedical evacuation system now in place in the global war on terror continues without a hitch as...

Intelligence Analysis System Clears Hurdle

Factory acceptance testing of the Air Force’s Distributed Common Ground System version 10.2 has been completed, clearing the way for installation of the hardware and software at Beale AFB, Calif., the first planned site, lead contractor Raytheon announced May 23....

Review Fatigue

Northrop Grumman says it recently completed two milestone reviews associated with its bid to build the Air Force’s next-generation GPS ground control segment, known as OCX. In a May 27 release, the company said it, together with its industry partners,...

Missing Vietnam War Airmen Identified

The Department of Defense announced May 27 that it has identified the remains of four airmen who were part of a 14-man AC-130 gunship crew that went missing when their aircraft was shot down by a surface-to-air missile in March...

Mustang Rules the Air

Airmen at Manas AB, Kyrgyzstan, have been employing a trained Lugar falcon named Mustang for about the past year to scare away other birds near the base that pose a danger to aircraft operations. “It’s very effective,” said Capt. Derek...

Air Sorties from SWA

Air Sorties in War on Terrorism, Southwest AsiaMay 25, 2008 Sortie Type OIF OEF OIF/OEF Total YTD ISR 25 14 39 4,314 CAS/Armed Recon 24 45 69 12,880 Airlift 102 102 18,568 Air refueling 47 47 5,973 Total 257 41,735...