BONE Accident on Guam:

A B-1B bomber was damaged March 7 during a ground mishap at Andersen AFB, Guam, but there were no injuries, Air Combat Command spokesman Maj. Tom Crosson tells the Daily Report. The B-1B had stopped on the island while transiting...

Spoken Like an ex-Marine:

Rep. John Murtha, chairman of the House Defense Appropriations defense subcommittee, said March 5 the Air Force’s KC-X tanker award to Northrop Grumman over Boeing will be scrutinized to ensure it best promotes national security. “This is not a done...

F-22 Shutdown Costs Under Review

Rand Corp. is exploring on behalf of the Air Force the costs and feasibility of restarting the F-22 production line after plant shutdown, USAF spokeswoman Lt. Col. Jennifer Cassidy tells the Daily Report. The results of the study should be...

It Depends on the Assumptions

The Air Force is working with the Office of the Secretary of Defense’s Program Analysis and Evaluation shop to establish the baseline threat assumptions that anchor the Pentagon’s joint air dominance study, Gen. Michael Moseley, Chief of Staff, told the...

Restating the Obvious?

Gen. Michael Moseley, Chief of Staff, reiterated March 5 that a fleet of 183 F-22s is not enough to meet future threats. “No sir,” Moseley replied to Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.) when pressed for his personal opinion on the issue...

Going For Broke

The Air Force is at a critical point in maintaining air, space, and cyberspace dominance and must field new aircraft or risk being outclassed in future conflict and becoming irrelevant, said Gen. Bruce Carlson, commander of Air Material Command, Feb....

ANG’s Major Headache

Air National Guard boss Lt. Gen. Craig McKinley told lawmakers last week that the Air Guard’s “biggest problem” is recapitalizing the fleet, just as it is for the active force. However, speaking before the House Appropriations defense panel during its...

Fly on the Wall

Details in a Loren Thompson issue brief on March 3 on why Northrop Grumman beat Boeing in the KC-X tanker competition didn’t come from a leak within USAF’s tanker evaluation team, according to Sue Payton, the Air Force’s acquisition executive....

Taking a Leadership Role

US Strategic Command is implementing several changes in order to place a renewed emphasis on the nuclear mission and prevent the same type of breakdown in oversight and individual responsibility that led to last August’s inadvertent transfer of nuclear weapons...

Pulling It All Together:

The US military is formulating a national military strategy for space, Gen. Kevin Chilton, commander of US Strategic Command, told defense reporters March 4. The general said STRATCOM saw the need for the document as it reviewed the nation’s plans...

Wanted, Cyber Warriors:

To execute the mission to defend the US military’s warfighting networks and preserve the option to attack an adversary’s own computer systems, US Strategic Command must overcome its present shortage in skilled personnel, according to the new STRATCOM boss, Air...

More Honors for an Airman:

US military members at Camp Eggers in Afghanistan gathered last weekend to dedicate a building to Air Force MSgt. Randy Gillespie, who died July 9, 2007 from small-arms-fire inflicted wounds. It’s not the first honor paid to Gillespie, a 44-year-old...

Within Minutes:

Despite the fact that the bomb targeting the well-known US military Times Square recruiting station in New York City went off at 3:45 a.m., Air Force officials say it was only minutes before the Air Force Office of Special Investigations,...

Air Sorties in War on Terrorism, Southwest Asia

March 5, 2008 Sortie Type OIF OEF OIF/OEF Total YTD ISR 26 4 30 1,678 CAS/Armed Recon 68 36 104 5,198 Airlift 140 140 7,724 Air refueling 43 43 2,440 Total 317 17,040 OIF=Operation Iraqi Freedom OEF=Operation Enduring Freedom ISR=Intelligence-surveillance-reconnaissance...