CSAF’s Vision

Dominance in air, space, and cyberspace remains vital for defending the United States and its interests, says Chief of Staff Gen. Michael Moseley in his newly issued white paper. “No modern war has been won without air superiority. No future...

Welcome Back

Maj. Gen. Hank Morrow, 1st Air Force and Continental US NORAD Region commander, says he is glad to have some F-15s available once again to protect the skies over US cities as part of Operation Noble Eagle. “I look forward...

Leading The Way

Safety remains at the forefront of reintegrating F-15s into the daily operations defending North American airspace, says Maj. Gen. Hank Morrow, head of 1st Air Force and the Continental US NORAD Region. “The critical step,” he says, will be “the...

Eagle Handlers

It will take months for F-15 pilots to regain their full flight currencies after about two months outside of the cockpit, according to Air Combat Command. “At a minimum,” the command says it anticipates needing two to three months to get the majority of Eagle pilots back to the full-up status they had before the Air National Guard F-15C crash last November that led to the extended grounding of the F-15 A-D models. And, there will be training backlogs. “Even with additional efforts and resources, some of these impacts will be felt for well over six months,” the command states in a prepared Q&A. F-15 units will regain their currencies step by step. “We'll take a small group of highly experienced instructor pilots, pilots who haven’t yet lost their landing currency, and they will start to fly with the other pilots in the squadron and get them back to landing currency,” says Maj. Ryan Krietsch, F-15 functional area manager in ACC’s Air and Space Operations Division. (Includes USAF report SSgt. Thomas Doscher)

Dodging Space Bullets:

Two US satellites had to be maneuvered in the past year to avoid colliding with debris left in space after China’s anti-satellite test on Jan. 11, 2007, The Washington Times reports. Ground controllers repositioned the Orbcomm FM 36 commercial communication...

Getting Pinned

Lt. Gen. William Shelton, commander of 14th Air Force and STRATCOM’s Joint Functional Component Command for Space, formally received his third star during a ceremony Jan. 8 at Vandenberg AFB, Calif. Gen. Kevin Chilton, STRATCOM commander, presided over the ceremony;...

Getting US Skies Ready for UAVs

The Pentagon and FAA continue to work the issue of integrating unmanned flight operations into US airspace, said Doug Davis, the manager of FAA’s unmanned aircraft program office. This topic is taking on greater importance as more Air Guard and...

Pushing Commonality with UAVs

Greater integration of unmanned aerial vehicles would have the biggest payoff in the realm of intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance, according to Dyke Weatherington, deputy of OSD’s Unmanned Systems Planning Task Force. Better communication relays on UAVs could overcome some of...

Air Guard Recruiting Slips a Bit:

The Air National Guard, alone among the military components, did not achieve at least 100 percent of its December 2007 recruiting goal. It was shy by 26 recruits. However, although Lt. Gen. Craig McKinley, ANG director, has said he expects...

Back in the Curriculum

After nearly a 13-year hiatus, the Air Force Academy this summer will reinstate training for cadets to resist an enemy if taken hostage. The Colorado Springs Gazette reports that Superintendent Lt. Gen. John Regni outlined the revamped course on Jan....

Air Sorties in the Global War on Terrorism

Jan. 10, 2008 Sortie Type OIF OEF OIF/OEF Total ISR 18 10 28 CAS/Armed Recon 58 33 91 Airlift 141 141 Air refueling 43 43 Total 76 43 184 303 OIF=Operation Iraqi Freedom OEF=Operation Enduring Freedom ISR=Intelligence-surveillance-reconnaissance Airlift includes Horn...