USAF Issues Amended CSAR-X RFP:

Wednesday afternoon the Air Force acknowledged that it had released its amended final request for proposals on the combat search and rescue replacement aircraft program. In its statement, the service indicated that it had met with each of the original...

Senate Panel Would Shift JCA Dollars:

The full Senate Armed Services Committee backed the push by its Air-Land subcommittee to shift all money for the Army-Air Force Joint Cargo Aircraft into the Air Force funding line. In their markup of the 2008 defense authorization bill, Senate...

ANG F-15 Crashes:

An F-15 fighter from the Missouri Air National Guard’s 131st Fighter Wing at Lambert Field in St. Louis crashed yesterday in the Military Operating Area near Terre Haute, Ind. The pilot ejected safely, and there were no injuries. The Courier-Press...

Remote Site Fix No Problem:

A C-130 aircrew on a cargo-hauling mission in Afghanistan had to land on an abandoned airstrip near Shindand, Afghanistan, when the Hercules developed engine trouble. The spot is just 70 miles from the Iranian border. The aircrew arranged for a...

Not Gonna Be Easy:

The Government Accountability Office in a new report has identified a key weakness in the Air Force plan to implement its new mission plan for the Air National Guard: There is no clear strategy to address challenges such as no...

Got You Covered:

Russia test launched its new RS-24 ICBM on May 29 from a mobile launcher at the Plesetsk Cosmodrome and sent it across the country to the Kamchatka Peninsula—about 3,400 miles away. The Moscow Times reports that the maiden launch with...

Air Strike Targets IED Planters:

A coalition air strike exploded the plans of two insurgents attempting to set up an improvised explosive device on a street north of Baghdad, reports the Multi-National Corps-Iraq. The strike killed the two insurgents, leaving little collateral damage and no...

Afghanistan Is Not Forgotten:

The results of a Harris Poll released this week indicate that 84 percent of Americans are mostly paying attention to the war in Iraq and 74 percent are following Iran-related news. The attention afforded to the war in Afghanistan is...

Talisman Saber in Hawaii:

US airmen and the Royal Australian Air Force have been working together at Hickam AFB, Hawaii, to complete part one of Exercise Talisman Saber 2007, reports TSgt. Chris Vadnais. Their focus: planning and taking action on contingency missions from the...

MEDCAP Cares for Kenyans:

More than 1,000 villagers of Shimbir and Balich, Kenya, just got a dose of preventative medicine in addition to having their needs treated by airmen and other service members representing a Medical Civic Action Program of Combined Joint Task Force-Horn...

Air Sorties in the Global War on Terrorism

May 28, 2007 Sortie Type OIF OEF OIF/OEF Total ISR 19 10 29 CAS/Armed Recon 62 41 103 Airlift 139 139 Air refueling 44 44 Total 81 51 183 315 OIF=Operation Iraqi Freedom OEF=Operation Enduring Freedom ISR=Intelligence-surveillance-reconnaissance Airlift includes Horn...