A Viper Takedown for Zarqawi

Speaking to reporters
at the Pentagon via phone Thursday, Lt. Gen. Gary North, head of US Central Command Air Forces, confirmed that two USAF F-16Cs dropped the bombs that led to the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi on June 7. North said the F-16s were flying a regularly scheduled mission, when they were diverted to the target site just north of Baqubah and dropped two 500-pound bombs in two separate strikes on a safe house containing Zarqawi and some followers. “We knew it was a high value target,” said North, adding, “We knew with 100 percent assurance that the house … was the house that Zarqawi was in.” Both aircraft were equipped with Litening targeting pods, allowing both Viper pilots to observe the target from medium altitude before dropping their weapons. North said the first weapon was a GBU-12 laser-guided bomb and the second a GBU-38 Joint Direct Attack Munition.

OEF Air Strikes Surged in May

US Central Command Air Forces officials in Southwest Asia told the Associated Press news service that coalition forces engaged in Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan had made some 750 airstrikes in May 2006 compared to about 660 in May 2005....

USAF Targets “Expensive” People

Air Force officials believe they have worked out a plan to cut the total force by 40,000 full-time equivalent positions by 2011—and it is “fairly front-loaded,” says Lt. Gen. Roger Brady, USAF’s manpower and personnel chief. That means the service...

The Underwhelming Response

Amid fresh revelations that an estimated 2.2 million active duty and reserve military personnel are now at risk for identity theft, Veterans Affairs Secretary James Nicholson was called to testify Thursday before the House Government Reform Committee, where chairman Rep....

And, What About National Security Implications?

Rep. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) cut to the chase with VA Secretary James Nicholson at a Thursday Capitol Hill hearing when he declared that the VA has put at risk for identity theft about 10 percent of the American population. And,...

You’ve Taken Our Wildfire Support

Colorado elected officials want to know what the Air Force can do to mitigate the fact that most of the state’s Army National Guard helicopters—ones used in fighting wildfires—are being deployed to Southwest Asia. (Read a Denver Post editorial and...

Looking at the Long Term

Looking at the Long Term: Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) has been looking beyond aircraft in his hunt for a new mission for NAS Willow Grove, Pa., reports the Philadelphia Business Journal. And, he may have found it in a new...

It’s Nice to be Wanted

According to Air Force Capt. Jonathan Songer, coalition forces simply “can’t get enough” of the Predator unmanned aerial vehicle. Songer, who currently commands the Predator launch and recovery element in Afghanistan, says the Predators finds improvised explosive devices and insurgents...

Here, There, and Everywhere

Here, There, and Everywhere: The Air Force’s Predator unmanned aerial vehicles are also heavily in demand in Iraq, where last month they flew more than 2,250 hours. The 46th Expeditionary Reconnaissance Squadron at Balad AB, Iraq, employs 20 of the...

Not Even a Handshake?

Not Even a Handshake?: The Air Force has been steadily revamping its personnel operations to trim the number of personnelists needed at each base and to eliminate the need for an airman to stand in line at the local personnel...

The Light and Dark Sides

The Light and Dark Sides: The nerve center for air and space operations within the US Central Command area of responsibility is the Southwest Asia combined air operations center, which orchestrates 24/7 air support throughout the AOR, including Afghanistan, Iraq,...

Halfway There, Almost

Halfway There, Almost: Air Force officials say the service is close to the halfway point in its effort to privatize 75 percent of the service’s housing inventory. The Defense Department privatization effort got Congressional approval 10 years ago, but USAF...

Air Force Medics Reach Out in Iraq

Air Force Medics Reach Out in Iraq: Since September 2005, USAF medics deployed to Sather AB, Iraq, have spent a few days each week at the Army’s Civil Military Operations Center, where they have treated and interacted with thousands of...

Holloman Is at the Movies

The Hollywood crowd selected Holloman AFB, N.M., to film part of a new movie that goes by the working title “Transformers.” No, it is not about the Pentagon transformation efforts. It is a live-action movie centered on the Hasbro toy...

Air Sorties in the Global War on Terrorism

June 6, 2006 Sortie Type OIF OEF OIF/OEF Total ISR 13 6 19 CAS/Armed Recon 34 22 56 Airlift 170 170 Air refueling 37 37 Total 47 28 207 282 OIF=Operation Iraqi Freedom OEF=Operation Enduring Freedom ISR=Intelligence-surveillance-reconnaissance