Beginning on Aug. 18, military commissaries worldwide will return to normal operating schedules, announced the Defense Commissary Agency. This decision comes as a result of Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel last week reducing the furlough among the Pentagon’s civilian workforce from 11 days to six, states DeCA’s Aug. 7 release. “This is welcome news for us all,” said Joseph Jeu, DeCA director. “We recognize the disruption that furloughs presented to our patrons” and “we also understand the economic hardships many of our employees faced with the pay they lost during the furlough,” he said. There will be “a short adjustment period as our stores settle back into their pre-furlough operation and delivery routines,” said Jeu. Since July 8, the one-day-per-week furloughs affected all of DeCA’s more than 14,000 US civilian employees worldwide, states the release.
The death of a 14-year-old boy at Robins Air Force Base, Ga., this past summer was due in part to an out-of-code pool bathhouse wall and has prompted Department of the Air Force-wide inspections.