The Air Force Manpower Agency has activated four new squadrons around the country to assess manpower requirements, particularly “to define [USAF’s] emerging needs to counter a complex enemy and to do it with a significantly smaller force.” The new units have a regional focus, say officials, to support major commands and the Air Force concepts of operation. What and where are they? The 5th Manpower Requirements Squadron at Tinker AFB, Okla., and 4th MRS at Buckley AFB, Colo., stood up last month; the 2nd MRS at NASA-Langley Research Center, Va., and 3rd MRS at Scott AFB, Ill., will activate this spring.
A helicopter instructor pilot failed to take sufficient corrective action in time to fix the mistakes of a student pilot taking off from a slope, resulting in a rollover that caused nearly $11 million in damages to a TH-1H chopper last spring.